Friday, November 14, 2014

Like Job, We Must Pray

I mentioned in one of my previous blogs that a psychiatrist who I know for almost 20 years, commented on how our family is like that of Job, when she heard about our loss of Deborah. 

What is prayer, then, in the fullest sense? Prayer is continuing a conversation that God has started through his Word and his grace, which eventually becomes a full encounter with him., ...
The question of the book of Job is posed in its very beginning. Is it possible that a man or woman can come to love God for himself alone so that there is a fundamental contentment in life regardless of circumstances (Job 1:9)? Yes, this is possible, but only through prayer.

(Excerpt from PRAYER by Timothy Keller)

This excerpt caught my eye, having "a fundamental contentment in life regardless of circumstances". Wow! I understand this, to a point. I have examined the life of Job, and how everything got restored to him in a relatively short time. I know that his first ten children were never brought back, but he had ten more new children. I especially like how he treated his three daughters by leaving them an inheritance also, just like for his seven sons. This was not the custom at the time. I admire Job in every way, even for not listening to his wife, when her views were contrary to the will of God.  Do we love God for himself alone? I remember a conversation about why people love God. One reason is because they are afraid of judgment and going to hell, the other is because they want to go to Heaven, and the third party is because they solely  love God for who He is. I would like to be that third category of saints. How about you?

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