Thursday, November 20, 2014

Important Port Mann Bridge-Update


After recently driving over the new Port Mann bridge and continuously watching its construction process,
I have noticed the railings have been put up along the Cyclist and Pedestrian path.
I am very concerned about the height of this railing as it is only about waist high.

This is way too easy for a potential suicidal person to access and end their life so easily by climbing over this low railing and jumping off the bridge.
Death by Suicide is #1 amongst youth in BC ! !
These railings are a lot like the design of the railings at the Pattullo Brige.
Pattullo bridge is the #1 cause that a Suicidal person chooses to End their life.
This is a MAJOR ISSUE and needs to be addressed now.
The province has spent tons of money and time in making this project a success to help BC’s Economy.
Please bring this issue up at the next meeting and make the proper adjustments so this won’t be an issue.

I’m replying on behalf of Transportation Investment Corporation, the Crown corporation responsible for the Port Mann Bridge. Thank you for your email and your concern.

Pedestrian safety was a key consideration while designing the Port Mann Bridge. When the multi-user path opens it will have highly visible emergency call boxes connected to the Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre). These call boxes connect people who are experiencing a moment of crisis to counsellors and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, the bridge is monitored with cameras and regularly patrolled 24 hours a day. These safeguards work together to ensure the Port Mann is safe and monitored for pedestrians.

Thank you,

Greg Johnson
Transportation Investment Corporation

I, Maria, would like to know who will be patrolling the bridge, and whether the cameras are only to monitor traffic, like on the other bridges.The police told us after Deborah jumped that these films are for traffic only.  So I will call this gentleman, and I hope you all do as well with your questions.

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