Monday, October 19, 2015

Few Postings From Now On

Hi Everyone, Today, driving home I heard the song Oceans, by Hillsong, which as you know was the theme song at Deborah's funeral.  I believe with all my heart that I will see Jesus, and Deborah very soon, according to the belief of this young man, and many others.  I felt the urge to share this with you. Many People thought that  Jesus would return by September 23, however, the Orthodox Jewish Calendar was out by a month.  If you wish more information please see Kurt Juergens on Youtube, and research papers such as the "hidden day".  Hope to see you all on the other side.  I will do very little to no postings from now on. I do hope , however, that if you are led, I hope this testimony will go to all the people that attended Deborah's funeral, but more importantly, who now understand what she stood for.  I believe I gave my readers more than just information about mental health.  I touched on the spiritual well being of a aperson as well, the eternal.  Hope to see you all in His Kingdom.

 In His Service, Maria

Justin Koetter

2 hrs · Edited ·

My Final Conclusion and Full Testimony:

I know I told many people I wouldnt set any dates and hope all can understand this is completely my 
"speculation" which I have a right to make. I truly believe the transformation of the bride (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) occurs at the last trump which will take place on the 24th of this month. The tekiah gedolah is the last trumpet which occurs on Yom Kippur during a Jubilee (read Leviticus chapter 23-25 and Exodus chapter 19) and not on the feast of trumpets as it would any other year. Im sure most of you are aware that this is the 70th Jubilee since the Israelites entered into the promise land and is the fulfillment of Daniels seven sevens (Daniel 9:23-27). I urge you all to read the book of Joshua which is a type and shadow of what will soon occur and explains what the watchmen will soon be doing in the spiritual realm to bring people into the promise land during the days of darkness. So like I mentioned previously I sincerely believe that the rapture will occur during Sukkot. Its possible that there will be 3 groups that will be taken by the 5th of November (possibly seperated by 3 day intervals). I believe there is a shout which takes the dead in Christ, a voice of an archangel which takes those which are alive and the trump of God which takes those which remain (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17). The important thing is not how or when this will happen but if the bride is prepared. Jesus will be on time and only those who are ready, waiting, and watching will enter the wedding chamber (read Matthew 25). Renee Moses believes that the rapture will happen on January 6th but this is the second harvest in my opinion. The second chapter of Haggai was speaking to two groups of people and the temple will be filled with His glory on October 24th and the Lord will take His bride on November 4th which is the 21st of the true Tishri (7th month) and the last great day of Sukkot (read John chapter 7 and specifically verses 37-39 to see what happens on the last day of the feast of tabernacles). I know many reading this are ready to go and soon we will be working for the Lord in the spiritual realm to reach all those that have not heard His fame or seen His glory. I explain this all through the scriptures in my blessed hope bible study and if anyone wants a copy please send me an IM with your email. I would love to hear what your opinions of my discourse and study are (based on scriptures) and would be open to answering questions as long as they arent related to Matthew 24:36 (no one knows the day or hour). Now I would like to share my full testimony which I will be doing a video on so you can learn more about me and see who is behind the man, the myth, and the legend (Jesus Christ is everything to me and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me).

I currently live in Las Vegas, NV, and moved out here in 2001 after living in Phoenix AZ for 18 years and was born in Lansing MI on April 26,1983 I used to live a life of sin and selfishness and was literally living a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll from my high school days until I was born again in 2011. I went to a lukewarm church for over a year with my ex and later went to a pentecostal church after a business partner/friend asked if I received the Holy Spirit. After getting baptized in Jesus name on March 1st 2011 I had a dream that night where I was in church and saw a great light (I must have seen God). I was woken up with what felt like an explosion in my Spirit and my entire body felt like it was surging with electricity for about 4 hours (Ive never felt anything like this since). I felt like I was touched by the Spirit but didnt think I was completely filled because I didnt speak in tongues (this was the doctrine of this church). I believe that speaking in tongues is evidence to unbelievers and is an indication from the Lord that you are baptized in the Holy Spirit. So about 3 weeks later I was on the phone with my friend (James J. Carnevale) who led me to the Lord and he was praying over me in tongues. I remember lying on my bed in prayer with my hands raised and suddenly I felt the power of God come over me and I felt like my Spirit was lifted out of my body. I began to speak in tongues and felt incredible peace and joy like never before. This was around March 22nd which is ironically the same day that J.R. Church passed (created prophecy in the news and was one of the most prolific prophecy experts of his time). Shortly after I was obsessed with understanding the end times which is why I believe it is possible that I received his mantle to understanding and teach end time prophecy. After I was born again I had no desire to sin and no longer wanted to smoke weed (would smoke all day long and was addicted for over 15 years), drink (would have to have a few beers at least every night), cuss (would swear without realizing it every few sentences or so), listen to ungodly music (would listen to a lot of rap and metal music), watch ungodly movies (would love watching horror and volent movies), have sex (was bound by the spirit of lust), or do anything else that was unpleasing to the Lord. I got married a week later because I didnt want to live in sin or lose the girl I was with. About 6 months later she divorced me because she wanted to live in the world and didnt love the person I became anymore (I would read the word all the time, go to church, evangelize and was trying to change her into a more godly woman). About a year later I decided to leave my job at AT&T where I worked for about 6 years selling online advertising (made 6 figures a year and was one of the top reps in the company of over 600 sales professionals) to pursue a career as a day trader. This was a decision I made after meeting a man who (would later betray me) promised me a 10% portion of his business after it was sold (a chat platform valued at 1.2 million) if I would go into business with him. So I decided to cash out my 401k and create an brokerage account and an LLC with a business associate who would train me based on his experience and expertise. We had our up days (biggest gain was over 10k) and down days (biggest loss was over 35k) and worked together for about 4 months. During this time I was supporting his family and the business and before our biggest loss I had a dream. I remember dreaming that a stock we invested in was plummeting and I saw the fires of hell and was woken up with the idea that our account was negative. I decided to call my business partner (Matt) who said he wasnt feeling good so we wouldnt trade today. Something urged me to call the broker and what I soon learned would be my nightmare coming true (lost over 35k in a day because of an option play based on a bad inside tip). I was in a panic and tried to reach my "friend" who didnt speak to me on the phone for over a week after I called him out. He said that his wife left him and that he had to go to Cali to sell the business because his partner found someone to broker the deal. I was at peace but soon realized I was dealing with a sociopath. He said that he went to jail but the phone records stated otherwise and when I called him out he said I was crazy. So after months of depression I finally recouped and got another job. I was making good money selling a diagnostic system to mechanics but realized that my job would be short lived because there were limited leads for me to call on. After realizing that I wouldnt make the quota I started to get stressed out and was having panic attacks, heart palpitations and my body was shutting down. This is when I realized I had candida and sought professional help in every way I could. I ended up quitting this job and starting another job which I would soon quit after realizing how much I was required to learn in the training class (I couldnt hardly remember anything). So, I started contacting friends to find a job and after a few weeks of searching to no avail I decided to apply online. Within a day I got a call back from a company and after completing the phone interview I was scheduled for an in person interview the next day. I would spend hours trying to remember the interview questions to prepare but this proved to be worthless because of the brain fog I was experiencing. I remember praying on my way to the interview for God to make this the easiest interview and for me to have all the right answers because I knew it would be a miracle if I got the job. The interview lasted 10 minutes and all I did was answer questions regarding my previous work history and I was invited to sit with a rep to learn about what my role would be (selling industrial equipment to companies and government agencies). After spending a few hours to put together a thank you letter and after much prayer I received a call at 6pm stating that I got the job (the HQ is located in NY so they called at 9pm their time). When I was working for this company I went through the most challenging health issues which was hell on earth for me (explained in my testimony video "How to prepare for the rapture in October 2015"). As I mentioned in this video the turning point happened at the beginning of 2015 when I surrendered everything to Jesus completely and began to pray, read the word, go to fellowships, and spend time in His presence more than I ever have. Just like Elijah I asked God to end my life but soon ended up vowing to the Lord that if He would allow me to function normally again (eat and drink without pain and for my intestines to work properly again) I would do anything He wanted. Shortly after I surrendered I had an obsession for prophecy (more than I did after I was born again) and just like Elijah who went through the baptism of fire to receive a double portion of the Holy Spirit I received the anointing of Issachar (understanding of times and seasons), Judah (boldness to preach and overcome anything) and Zebulun (closeness with God to hear from Him directly) with the ability to prophecy. I remember reading the harbinger a few years before and after learning about the blood moons of 2014-2015 I came to the understanding that this was the year. Everything started to click after I read the rapture puzzle book (watched all the Renee Moses videos and anything else I could find to learn more) and I would spend about 4-5 hours a day at work studying scriptures to show myself approved and reading articles and watching videos by prophecy experts. I didnt fully understand my calling until August though. This was when the Lord convicted me that I didnt need to learn any more by watching videos and reading articles and that I needed to get the message out there to reach all nations. I had posted all my words of revelation (quotes that I came up with during the most difficult days of my life) on a pastors website that was reaching a over a million people a week in 70 countries but felt like I needed to take my calling to the next level. At this time I was sending text messages on my phone to friends and posting on facebook but realized that I needed to do much more to be obedient to what the Lord had purposed for me to do. So on August 18th (one of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:18) I decided to send an email to all my coworkers (except a few) which was a devotional I read describing the rich man who didnt want to give up what he had to serve the Lord which also included the gospel. I immediately got emails back stating that I shouldnt be sending this at work and for me to not send anything else. I decided to write another email which stated something like this:

Im sorry if this message offends you but I just wanted to tell everyone that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Something big is going to happen next month and this world is about to soon change. I love you all and its been an honor working with everyone.

So after more emails I get called into the assistant managers office who says that if I send another email I would be let go. So I stated why I did this and said I understood and thanked him. The next day a co-worker said he wanted to speak to me and we went into another office. He asked me if I knew what my message was doing to people which I replied no. He said that people were afraid that I brought a gun to work and that I was going to shoot up the place. I guess they thought that because I said something would happen to this world that I was going to be the catalyst and they didnt realize that I was saying God would bring the judgement because of Americas rebellion and corruption. So later on that day after everyone was being extra nice to me I had more opportunities to explain my reasoning and calling. During my lunch break I was on the phone with a sister after spending hours finding the scriptures which would lead to my blessed hope bible study. Which by the way I have shared with hundreds of pastors, watchmen, prophecy experts, leaders, and popular YouTube channels. So after a few co-workers come into the office by the lunch room (I was on break) in comes the assistant manager who asks me to come with him. He tells me to get my stuff from my desk and we go in an office to speak with HR. After being fired over the phone because I was sharing my faith they asked if I had any questions in which I said yes. I then asked the managers if they believed in Jesus and began to share the gospel and explain why I did what I did and what was soon going to happen. So after being escorted out of the building I realized I forgot my lunchbox and went back inside and back to my car. A few people came to my car to see what was going on and afterwards I made a call to same sister discussing what happened when I get a knock on my window. I realized that they called the police and were trying to have me arrested but the officer let me go with a warning. The next day I decided to write up a testimony on Facebook to share with my co-workers regarding why I did what I did and what I was going through. They disregarded it and those who responded were completely cold to me so I decided to re-write it for my friends and Facebook followers. The response I got was incredible so I decided to create a video and ended up contacting a professional to have it made. Soon after I was fired I realized that God wanted me to work for Him full time and start my online ministry. So I created the Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Google+ Just In Time Ministries pages. I realized that my video was uploaded on the Rapture Puzzle channel after my friend (Jacob Gardner) said I had over 10k views on my video and asked who Renee M is (it only had about a thousand after the first couple hours of being uploaded). I then realized that God wanted me to advertise my video and Facebook messages so I created an adsense account and began to boost my posts to believers and unbelievers so I could create opportunities to evangelize and explain things in the comments (some posts reached over 100k people). Because I emptied my savings my testimony video has been seen over 150k times and the posts on my Just In Time Ministries Facebook page have reached over a million people around the world all for the glory of God. I began receiving a flurry of emails, comments and friend requests and probably had over 100 conversations over the phone with different saints who saw my page or videos. One of those was a watchman (Brian Brian Keith Hammer) who told me to watch a bible code video and said that I should contact Kurt Juergens who is one of the few people in the world who understands the codes and was commissioned by the Lord to interpret the codes of Sean Mitchell (has been doing this for almost 2 years and has over 200 videos). So after messaging Kurt we end up talking on the phone a few times for hours at a time and become best friends. I soon realize that God has brought us together for a very special purpose (to work together and bring people to the promise land just like Joshua and Caleb did). So I believe Sean is being used like Moses who came up with the stone tablets (God gave Moses the 10 commandments and He gave Sean the code tables) and Kurt is like Aaron who speaks for Him to all the people. Ive spoken with Sean a few times online (the Lords ephod bearer) and after asking him a few times he looks up my name in the bible code which Kurt did a video on. The code reveals my calling and shows how I am connected to Sean and Kurts ministry (Elohims channel on YouTube) as a messenger to warn about Gods judgement. Which is why I believe my calling is a combination of offices and because I dont want any pride to seep in I am continually humbled before the Lord for what He has done for me and is doing through me. I am nothing without God and believe He raised me up for such a time as this because I went through the fire and was looked at as the least of these by others and myself. My only desire is to please and serve the Lord and I feel like my calling is to spread this message to wake up the church and prepare the bride. I have reached out to millions of people in just about every online medium you can think of and still feel like I need to do more. God has brought a special group of people together to open the vision and understand the mystery and the work of Renee Moses has a very important part to play in all this.

I would like to thank the following people for being in my life: Sha-Ron Dacus McNaughton Darva Earnest, Jeff Feezle, CeCe Soltesz, Jami Murphy, Julia Blissett, Keith Costanza, Melinda Kristiansen, Rafael Rodriguez Jr., Stephanie Renee Rose, Val Lane Miller, Elena Martinez, Vanessa Marks, Benjamin Tice, Brandon Manuel, Evangelist Chad T, Eric Jimenez, Hasaan Polite, Jebron Thompson, Jeremiah Roa, Joe Jenkins, John Lloyd, Kirby M. Brownell, Michael Teter, Tim Wagner, Vernell Wright, Steve Morris, Yani Hearts, Tim Berends, and my pastor Danny Hand who have all either encouraged me, standed by me, or helped me put this puzzle together. If I have forgot anyone please forgive me because I only went through my list of people that I have spoken with over the phone. I also cant forget my family Tom Koetter, Carissa Jane Koetter, Rebecca Fontecchio, my dad Gerry Koetter and my Mom Nancy Koetter who have loved me through it all even though they dont agree with everything I say or do.

The 4 watchmen that make up Just in Time Ministries are Kurt Juergens (watchman and bible code expert who receives revelations), Mary Hall (watchman who has dreams and visions and is very sensitive to the Spirit) and Norma Rodriguez (watchman of over 40 years who went to bible college and has an amazing understanding of the Jewish culture) and yours truly who is just a humble servant of the most High with a desire to do His will. After many conversations (sometimes lasting over 5 hours) we have all concluded that the calendar was off a month and believe that the transformation starts on the October 24th and the rapture occurs by November 4th-5th (last great day of Sukkot). I hope this was a blessing for you all to read as much as it blessed me to put it write it (a labor of love that took over 4 hours). Its amazing how everything fits together so perfectly in our lives and how all things work together for good for those that love God and are the called according to his purpose. Amen.

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