Friday, March 13, 2015

I Overcame The Monster called Patullo

Most of us living in Lower Mainland BC, know that the Patullo Bridge from which my daughter comitted suicide is a decapitated notorious, rust bucket that is an eye sore to all residents. Soon you will be facing a vote whether you want your taxes to go up or not. It is a lie that we in Surrey are going to get rapid transit, as from what I have read street cars are very slow, and are prone to all sorts of stalls. There have been a lot written about the "yes" or "no" vote in our local newspapers. Primarily, we are being asked if we want our taxes raised or not.

The replacement of the bridge is a no brainer, but it should not be tied to the funds to repair roads as well, in my humble view.  Translink will have to find other ways of finding the funds, such as reducing the wages of their CEO's is my view.

These are not the only reasons I'm mentioning the monster called Patullo. It is because I have conquered going across it the other day. I had a lady friend I had to pick up from Burnaby, and I only knew the way to her house via that bridge that Deborah took her life from. I was determined that it is not going to intimidate me, and haunt me for the rest of my life. I proceeded to drive in the center lane with the sun visor pulled down, so I'll see as little as possible. I did not realize at the time that it was on the left side of the bridge as I was heading north, was where the walkway was, where the angels were seen(see earlier blogs). I presumed it was on the right side. Of what I forcibly had to see was the rotted paint chips, tattered cold metal construction,  rust of all repugnant colours. Tight fitting cars, bend on the entrance, I bounced along the deck, as some spinal column that lacked the collagen.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I held my wheel tight, and tried to look ahead, second by second, till finally I was off the deck. This  piece of shit is where my dear Deborah was tempted by satan. The seed (thought) was planted, her desire to end her life was entertained. Then the lust for this deliverance from pain was germinated, which caused her to commit the sin of suicide. I have a hard time seeing her in desperation, grasp those cold rusty railings, as she let go to end her life. Instead of the warmth and love of family, she choose these bars to set herself free, of the chaos in her mind. Though I overcame my fear, I do not feel victorious. I must, however, like Pastor Finney Samuel said tonight, I must accept it as God's will for my life. Cancer, death, whatever may come, I know God has the best for me. He is omnipotent, just, and even greeted Judas as friend in the garden of Gethsemane. May we never forget how much our Heavenly Father loves us.


  1. My heart is with you Maria -so much sadness and so many tears. ..xo

  2. Yesterday was the second time I crossed it. Took a Japanese student to Church in New West. It is a lovely fellowship called the Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church.
