A new friend shared her understanding:
Az a jo hir hogy, bar mit is hiszunk, Isten Igeje beteljesedik a Mennyei Atya szerint minden pontig. 2 Thess. 2:3 irja hogy "Ne csaljon meg titeket senki semmikepen. Mert nem jon az el addig, mignem bekovetkezik elebb a szakadas, (apostasy), es megjelenik a bun embere, a veszedelemnek fia," Tehat "szakadas, Gorogul , apostasy az az elutazasrol szol, vagyis az elragadttatast jelenti.) Tehat ezt mind mondva, csak azert hogy ertsuk meg hogy semmi mas nem szukseges hogy beteljesedjen, a Gyulekezet elragadtatasa elott. ( Persze, mi vagyunk a Gyulekezet, akik Jezusse).
good news is, no matter what we believe, the Word of God will fulfill
our Heavenly Father's plan to the exact detail. I would like to show you
one thing that may change what you are looking for; 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not
come except the apostasy comes first... Any good Greek scholar will tell
you that the word :apostasy comes from the Greek word "apostasia" which
means "departure." The marginal note in The Amplified Bible states it
as such. Even the translator on my iphone tells me, when I put apostasia
in to translate to English, that it means departure.
Are You Aware of the Signs of the Times, Eventhough No Signs are Needed?