Monday, December 22, 2014

Memorial Bench for Deborah Gordon

Remember a month or so ago, I mentioned about a friend of Deborah's who thought that a memorial bench is something that she wanted to help us obtain in her memory? Well here is the information, and the link to her website. Her friends wish to go to a place that is other than a cemetary to remember my daughter by. I am honored and humbled by her efforts. I still wish she was among us, and I think I'll be crawling back to bed after I write these few lines. I first wish to thank all my blog followers for being there, we have over 7,000 people now from all over the world who know about Deborah's story.  May your Christmas be filled with joy, peace and hope. Matthew 1:21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sin.
This is a promise already fulfilled! We are awaiting for his second coming, no longer a child in a manger, but as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Merry Christmas to everybody, all over the world.

This is to help raise the funds to have a memorial bench placed in memory of Deborah Gordon. Deb was an incredible person in all aspects of her life, and I want to have a happy place to go in order to remeber and think of her. Please help us raise the money to have this bench placed in honor of such an awesome girl! 
 - Sarah Turner

The goal is $2,400. The money goes toward the following:
-The cost of purchasing the bench
-The cost of the plaque on the bench
-The installation costs
-The maintenance of the bench
The bench is in place for 10 years, and can be "re-bought" after that time.
Please donate what you can, every bit will help!


  1. Where do people send if they wish to donate

  2. Found the place to donate hope the bench will be placed in a special area

  3. I haven't asked yet, where the bench will be, most likely Bear Creek or Crescent.
