Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Eating Pork and Toothpicks

Yesterday was a very frightening day. I rushed to take back the many bottles in the back of our SUV, and after that I went to get some dinner at a local grocery store. I bought beef flank that had blue cheese in the centre, and  2 servings of mild Italian sausage in Portabello mushrooms.  I put both entrees in a cast iron pot, and eventually dumped a large serving of rice that I had in the fridge from the day before.

To make a long story short, I got tired in the middle of cooking and turned off the gas, and sat down in the living room.I could not stand longer supervising our dinner, and someone got to it before my seal of approval.  My famished daughter soon arrived, and saw my cooking on the stove, and was intrigued by the assortment, had the pork filling from the mushroom. Since our lighting was dim, she ate half the pork patty, and claims that it was uncooked. Well, she could not vomit it out, and later that evening we called the nurses line. She started to drink lots of water also, once she realized the severe implications of this e coli like food poisoning.  No wonder the Jewish population does not eat pork. These worm like parasites that is in pork can start their reproduction cycle in our guts and travel all over.
Raw pork is dangerous because it can harbor a lot of parasites. Granted, this is not usually a problem in the United States because we have a pretty good agriculture inspection system in place. But if you're not in the US or some other highly industrialized country, then God help you. One disease I see a bit of that is linked to raw or undercooked pork is yersiniosis.;_ylt=AwrTcd0Ox5FUI4YAz58PxQt.?qid=20080321115431AAX3dlD

So here we are on a weeknight, figuring out what to do. We call the nurses line, and they basically tell us to wait to see the symptoms in a few days. I am so shaken by this additional burden of health related matter. I prayed very hard for my daughter to be not harmed or affected by this poison.

Only one other time had I experienced a mishap that could have had devastating affects. It was when I was a young bride, and I tried to appeal to my husband, the ex who became the international fugitive. Well, I made a meat roll that had ham and cheese inside it, much like the one you can get at Costco now.  I baked it, and he enjoyed it, only to later realized that I left the toothpicks in the dish, which held together the meat roll. I was aware to take the toothpicks  out before eating, but I forgot to tell him to do the same. So I believe that his digestive system was a little overburdened that day. I believe I kept this to myself for all these years.

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