Friday, December 5, 2014

Sabrina Benaim - "Explaining My Depression to My Mother"

I think that this girl truly depicts what depression is like. Kindly prepare yourself to watch a heartfelt, cry for help in understanding the gamet of their suffering. I am so distraught about it, that I can't even believe it. I don't want to believe that it paralyzes people into staying in their beds all day, and possibly lead to someone's death. The comments under the video are also interesting to read, here are only two:

"I seriously wish this would be one of the videos that gets featured on the front page of YouTube. It's so powerful and honest. Just telling people that I'm depressed can be embarrassing and challenging. Yet she went all out. You can tell she's scared and upset and in so much pain. Her courage is amazing."

"I get it that a lot of people found themselves in this girl's poetry. I get it that a lot of them are having a hard time with their relatives as well. But as a person who lives with a depressed sister, and has tried everything to make her feel better, up to the point where I don't know what to do, I find this also offensive. The way she treats her mother's suggestions seem like she is so annoyed by her not understanding and not being helpful. That mother is trying to understand, trying to help. She might now know what to say or what to do to help, but she definately cares and wants her daughter to get better. Sometimes I feel that people with depression have so little sympathy for those around them that want to help... and when you try and try and all your suggestions are shut down at a certain point you stop trying."

So here it is, prepare yourselves.

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