Thursday, April 16, 2015

Benches and Pews

Apparently, there is fundraising going on by Deborah's acquaintances to complete the acquisition of the memorial bench. I have not been told where the  fundraising is taking place. I am trying to have someone repair the bench that the friends put together on the Fraser River for her. Since screws were used instead of nails, on the cedar planks, the woodwork is coming apart. I would also like to have a back rest attached to it. It will be made with church kneeling planks with lovely burgundy vinyl cushions adhered. It came from a very far place from the Maritime s. I got the individual planks from a silent auction in Hedley, BC. I think I got 12 for $5. At the time I had no idea why I bought them, it just looked so nice, and sturdy.  I also bought a church pew, that will look fabulous one day on a porch in front of a house, just like the Duggars have. In the meantime, the solid oak pew will be used for the rehearsal dinner that will be held at our home the day before my second eldest daughters wedding. Two items, one for a memorial bench and one for a wedding. So polar opposites. Like C.S. Lewis said, and I'm paraphrasing, but he said that joy walks hand in hand with sorrow.

I just had a major melt down with one of my girls who has severe OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. She keeps pouring water down the sink, while she is doing something entirely different, than washing. My water bill is horrific. I told her that she can pay the water bill this quarter to the city. Otherwise, it will not get paid.
OCD is a terrible thing, and can lead to suicide incase you did not know. I am no expert on the  connection. Excessive handwashing, rituals to do with closing doors, checking things over and over again, is exhausting even to watch, never mind carry these things out. I was just noting to her that not only is her OCD costly, but she is robbed of so much valuable time in her life. For instance the gay man on CNN, with the grey hair, he eats the same lunch every single day. I don't understand where all these quirks come from, is it from our foods, our environment or what?

I am so mentally drained right now that I better just rest. I still have no shoes for the wedding though I've asked someone to see if they can find it in the States for me. I'll share more when I get them.

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