Sunday, September 20, 2015

Greater is He...

I have been speaking with a few friends, and put my effort in, to make notes on water filtration, and purification systems. I bought jars and jars of bleach in case whoever is left behind may need it. Who would have thought that there was a difference between the two: filtration and purification.  Well I got a few medicine droppers, old handkerchiefs , charcoal, play sand and water purification tablets, and threw them (not the charcoal, or sand) with some teaspoons into a plastic bag; with instructions of course.  I hope they can read my writing.
I also made some of our favorite foods today, "rakott krumpli", and a delicious cucumber salad with dill, a bit of a German style and kick to it. Comfort food, and prayer. My back has been so sore lately, I feel I have been spiritually attacked. The garden has been just left to let nature take it's course. I took a Gerbera to the cemetery, daily waiting for the graves to open. What a sight in the heavens on the thirteenth!! Did you see that blog?

My friends have told me that they left notes for whoever will come into their homes after they are gone home to Heaven. The main message being:  not to take the mark of the beast no matter what happens. Also that their disappearance was not anything else than what Jesus talked about; the gathering, the rapture in the sky.  That could be the literal 666 or www which apparently means the same. That moment of execution or murder is not worth loosing your eternal life for. The early believers were so brave, that they embraced death. I know that there will be some very brave people who we will also see in the kingdom and be exonerated for their lives during the Great Tribulation. It would be so much better though to go in the first rapture.
We have just made contact with a cousin of my daughters, who has not been in our lives for many years. He is a talented young man who had to fend on his own, with little to no family support. We can't wait to meet him, as he likes fishing, and learned to smoke fish from his Aboriginal friend. He is now calling us, and I feel the urgency to tell him about God, and how we may not be here very soon to continue and build our relationship. It is interesting how God send folks our way at the last moment. Some Christian servants have lost files on their computers, and even as the hour is so close, the devil knows he has a short time, so he is throwing everything he has on us; ailments, illnesses, pain, loneliness. He knows which buttons to push. However, we know that , "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World" 1 John 4:4 The you tube video is about a mountain in Syria, very close to Israel. Please don't let the photo scare you.

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