Sunday, September 9, 2018

I have Seperation Anxiety

Today, I am going to a luncheon at the Hungarian Reformed Church in Vancouver. It is going to be a 45 min ride there, a 45 min ride home. We are looking forward to some delicious Hungarian food, and a study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I will be the official translator to my husband. Generally, we only see these people around Christmas so I will be so glad to hear my native tongue.
While the world carries on in its final phase of the period of grace as we know it, I can't help but give you also a heads up that the Great Tribulation is coming, with chaos and sorrow no one has ever seen. You just have to read the book of revelation to know this. I haven't spoken much about the closing day leading to Elul in the Jewish calendar which is always characterized by war or the drastic fall in the stock market. All this with plenty of job losses across Canada, that the media does not seem to report on. Sadly, if we do not get the news from alternative media, we are like ostriches with our heads in the sand. I sent my hubby to get 4 x 20lbs of rice and bottled water the other day.
I sit here this fall with a new understanding of what it is to be old; older. I can't wait for children to make plans with, it is my spouse or friends who are there.  Our living children are grown and have their own lives. This will always be a very hard point in case for me. While they are young, they help them through seperation anxieties during school admissions etc, and now we are experiencing those same anxieties, which will be for a lifetime. Thankfully, we have godly people who have paved the way and modeled the way for us to see. I just made a friend like that, and I am so greateful for her honesty, and suggestions.
I hope you all have plans to encourage those who have lost loved ones to suicide, tomorrow, September 10th, world suicide Prevention Day. I hope your week will be full of sweet meditations, and remember to do self care.

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