Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tribulation Saints-Perry Stone


This is deep and Perry speaks a little bit fast. I think his interpretation if fairly good, but no interpretation is perfect. Keep studying the bible and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a revelation and enlightenment before this very critical time in our history. Alan Horvath, who is also on youtube, is an excellent teacher. He almost sounds like a Hungarian chap, looks Jewish, and speaks Aramaic also, so he has a really close interpretation of the picture language of the Bible.

The 24 elders,,,,who are they? good question.

1 comment:

  1. I just wish to thank all my blog followers who participate in this journey with me. I seem to have acquired a lot of viewers from Russia recently, and I wish that healing is somehow given, along with hope to a generation that is so isolated, but wishes to be included in an eternal journey,
