Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Upcoming Wedding

I don't know what I'm doing lately, except that aging is hard. I feel frustrated in that I'd like to do more but feel tired by the afternoon. Today I cleaned my house, returned some library material for my husband, got some vegetables and flowers from a nursery, all on sale. I purchased some seeds for next year. Then I returned some of our bottles to recycle, and then went to take some flowers to Deborah's graveside. I found a nice little grey pot, and put two pink potted plants in the one, along with her freedom angel. I know her time is short in the grave, so my prayer is more along the lines of the Lord has given, and the Lord has taken, blessed be the name of the LORD.  I cannot fret or be angry for what has happened, only a deep sadness covers me, along with great expectation. The other day, just asking the family to clean her room, for the foreign student who is about to spend three weeks with us, was more than what I bargained for. A wave of opposition from my household overwhelmed me, as they say, I just want to forget Deborah. Of course this can never be. A mother can never forget her child.I simply thought that giving her clothes to a good cause, after we all retrieved whatever we wanted from her room, would have worked. With my husbands kind reminder, I learned that my other three daughters are not ready to deal with it. Deborah was part of their entire lives, and they are not ready to clean her room, even a year later. So after shrieks of opposition, I exited the room, and told them that I will not have another day to tidy up, before the students arrival. By the evening, they had put most of the closet's content in boxes in the garage, promising to go through it again at a later date. The very smell of Deborah's clothing gives comfort to a few of us. It is something that I refuse to deal with now, as by the fall, I'm confident Jesus will come back for us. Then we can all be united again. This is not our home, we are all heading somewhere eternal. My husband wonders, if this is the case, then why am I still planting vegetables in the garden, why are we still pushing ourselves so much? There is no real good answer really, only that we are to occupy till Jesus comes. His reward is with him, and once we are with Him, the Bridegroom, then we will have to work no more. Our purpose in the heavenlies will be so much more interesting, and beyond our wildest dreams. On a casual note, the television is bombarded with movies like, 'The day the earth stood still' Independence day', Back to the Future, The day after tomorrow, Dominion, and many others, the world is being prepared in many ways for what is to come, without realizing it. The pictures from Pluto will not be such a big deal, in the light of the Universe that God created. Those of us who believe have nothing to fear, only watch and  pray for His soon return to snatch up His Bride.

1 comment:

  1. Speaker who wrote the HARBINGER is speaking in India, about a Jewish Wedding, soon to take place.
