Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Reflecting on the Dash 1960--------

Today, I went to visit Deborah's grave side. The reef I had purchased is placed on her grave. The distance between the living and those who are asleep seems insurmountable. As I pack for my surgery, I am reminded that it is just a second away.  The distance between life and death. I must put my faith totally in God to come through the major surgery I am getting of all days. Black Friday. Thankfully, it is also the first day of Hanukah. I had giggled to myself earlier that I must tell the doctor to pretend it is a Monday, and not a Friday. You all probably know that cars made on a Friday, usually are problematic, and I'm sure it is the same with surgeries. Peoples minds are on the weekend, and travel, not on the patient.  I remember my dad always joking on how a doctor reported to a family member , that  " the surgery went well, but the Patient did not make it."ha ha.. Rest assured, I will not miss being here, if something does not go well.
 I heard coming home that there was another police incident on a bridge, here in Vancouver. What can we do as individuals to deal with all this sorrow, addiction, and mental health issues. How can we help the homeless, those living in substandard conditions? How can we give folks meaningful work? Do we rely too much on our government to do these things for us? Has the church lived up to helping the poor, and disabled, or have they placed the responsibility on the government? These are good questions, and just like the second previous video illustrated with the judge speaking;, truly it is up to us if we want to make a difference. Prince charming, or a great politician will not solve all the problems.

In the hustle of Christmas around the corner, and getting ready for this surgery, we get so focused on ourselves. My hair is dyed, there are frozen meals in the freezer, and the plants are in from the cold.  The house is relatively clean. My bag is packed for the hospital, but can we truly every be ready? When we stand before our Maker, can He tell us, 'Well done thou Good and Faithful Servant"? Was the dash between the year we were born to the day we die, has that dash been meaningful, and pleasing to God.. What we did in the time between the two dates?

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