Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Friend's Birthday

I had an interesting night yesterday. I was invited by my friends now adult daughter to her moms 65th birthday. I have known her for 35 years, and we lived on the same street, before I ever had a family. In fact she lived near Len Shepherd School, and I was renting a ground level street on the same remote street. Her two daughters from California, and Ontario organized the catered dinner. The little girl who rode on her fathers bicycles back seat now has the sweetest daughter herself. Happily married and a devoted mother herself. She considers her daughter a miracle baby, and the passion that is in their lives radiates. I loved the fact that she wears dresses. I have not seen her in slacks. (So much for Hillary's paint suits- I still remember..) Her sister also is doing well, having purchased a home in Ontario, and is a music pastor in a church of 500 people.  A girl with an angelic voice.
I had some very interesting short conversations with the son-in-law, and my friends son. I wanted to know their view on immigration. The highly intelligent son-in law who himself has been waiting 9 years to get a green card in the USA, told me that he has been waiting to become an American for 9 years. His work has landed him in California, therefore his work is sponsored him. He felt that it would not be fair for a migrant to get full citizenship immediately upon entering a country. Though he has liberal sentiments, he feels that policy is the most important thing in government not immigration per say. However, in his views people entering should come via a church sponsorship, a work sponsorship, or as a student..per say. I asked him to write a letter to President Elect Trump.

So getting back to the dinner. Unbeknown to me, it was also for men, not just her girlfriends. So upon meeting everyone, mostly sweet Dutch folks, I called my husband to join me for the catered meal. On my second call, he conceded, and walked across the street to Bear Creek Park Pavilion.We also met a lovely family who has been great friends with Liz. We talked about many things, including grown children, downsizing, and friendships, in the midst of me particularly enjoying the white chilled wine. One lady gave me her only Poppy. She was the only one still wearing one.

The highlight of the evening aside from seeing the next generation of my friends family was seeing Deborah's piano teacher, Ms. Koistra. A gem of a lady, whose crosses in life have been so plentiful as well. She complimented me that I look so much better than on the day of Deborah's funeral. I think she was just being nice.  She acknowledged our great loss, and tried to encourage me with my upcoming surgery that she also went through 2 yrs ago. I also hope I encouraged her with the verse from Gen 6:3. Wycliffe translation.And God said, My spirit shall not dwell in man without end, for he is flesh; and the days of him shall be an hundred and twenty years. 
 And God said, My spirit shall not dwell in man without end, for he is flesh; and the days of him shall be an hundred and twenty years.This is Huge!!! It means that God will not dwell in the human body of man (the temple) but only for 120 JUBILEE YEARS. As I write to you we are in the 120th Jubilee, Year 5777 in the Jewish Calendar. We had 40 Jubilees from Adam and Eve , (2000 Yrs)  to Abraham. We have 40 Jubilees from Abraham till Jesus Christ (another 2000 Yrs.)and finally 40 jubilees from Jesus Christ till this Year. In the light of the fact that President Elect Trump and President Putin have been asked to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem, by the Sanhedrin. Therefore, preparations are quickly made for yet a Third Temple, so when the Bride Leaves there will be a Temple Present here in Jerusalem, as the Law again is going to be in place. I encouraged Ms. Koistra as she too is tired of Christmas and just the whole gamet of life that is taxing on the Spirit. Our home is not here, but in the presence of our Dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This Jubilee ends on Yom Kippur of 2017. By then the Temple in Jerusalem should be built, so the Bride can leave. 

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