Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Loosing our Strenght

I am mentally exhausted today. I think I took too many pain medications for my hips. Still waiting for surgery.  I did a few errands, returned some bottles, went to the bank, and had a call from Kelowna to do a simple court translation, only to have the man profess to a guilty traffic ticket violation, so there was nothing to translate. I prepped myself up with two computers, in case my vocabulary is weak, only to have my language exercise shortchanged.
 I also went to put new flowers on Deborah's grave. There was the weed man very close to her grave, with whom I struck up a conversation. He has never heard of the rapture before. I told him to be careful with his lungs, since my dad passed away from lung cancer, doing a manual sanding of the walls. I suppose he was called a drywall er. More sadly, he shared that he wasn't ready to see Jesus.
Then I reflected on how many times a day we sin, one way or another. I know, from personal experience, that just the other day, a friend had to catch me talk as I was giving away someone else s story. It was well intention ed, but someone else s story nevertheless.
I am frustrated as I am without a dishwasher now for 5 weeks or longer. The parts; this time the relay is on it's way.. We had the element, the fuse and many other things changed now, until they figured it out. My hands hurt from washing dishes, as I have 2 pins located in my dominant hand. I am frustrated, that the home we know for over ten years is now soon going on the market, as we no longer can do the work associated with the home, nor is it financially feasible to live here. I promised my newlyweds that I would offer it to them to buy first, before listing it to the public. The crazy real estate here in Vancouver, disallows many to qualify for a mortgage, and many have settled into the  idea that they will never be able to pay out their home. As long as the monthly payments are manageable that is all that matters to them. Of course, the sentimental value of our home is still a cloud that is overbearing. This is also Deborah's old house, and we would love to keep it as a family home, if only there was a way....My husband and I have to fall in love with the idea of renting for a while, either until the market drops ( if every) or waiting for an affordable purchase, maybe farther out from this suburb we are in.
I am also distracted by berry picking.  My raspberries are in full swing now. Every second day at least I must pick the crop, and freeze it. I also found that black currant leaves are good for tea, and that they make  a good antioxidant beverage. My bush is only producing leaves, as my hubby to the axe to it accidentally a few years back. So as we age , we are loosing strength and some of our mental virility. As I speak with my mom in Florida, almost on a daily basis, I am reminded of our fragility, and helplessness as we age. May we be good to our children now, so they will be good to us when we cannot take care of ourselves. We have put our names down on wait lists for an independent retirement Dutch community here in Surrey.  It will take over a year to wait for admission. It is basically being out of the real estate market all together. You simply lease the land, until you live, is the strategy in order to live in the community that ultimately will offer assisted living as well as complex care if the need arises with age.  I wonder what is next around the corner. I miss the fellowship of my grown children. I miss Deborah.

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