Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Visitors Coming

I am very excited. Today was the first day I drove my car since my surgery. Most of the snow has melted, so I felt comfortable behind the wheels. I am also glad that I am capable of most movements that I was able to do before my hip replacement surgery. There are a few hickups but I will not talk about them now. I still use some pain killers, but after all it will only be a month on Christmas day. So overall, I am very pleased with the results.
Tomorrow, I will have the great pleasure of seeing Deborah's friend Danielle who has moved to the Prairies of Canada about a year ago. Her boyfriend will also be coming for a visit, so perhaps there will be good news as their relationship move forward. My only disappointment will be that I have no home made Christmas cookies this year to offer them. The only ones I have is the ones I bought at the church sales, which are now in the freezer. At least two of my girls will be home to also visit with them. Im not sure where our conversations will take us, but they will be of great comfort to me, I already know. Deborah's other close friend is also in town, and we hope to see her over the holidays. There isn't a single day that we don't talk about her, or think of her. Just recently, I spoke with her piano teacher, and she asked me how we were doing. She offered to help me box up Deborah's clothes and give it away. She also mentored me before my hip replacement.
As we hear the coroners reports on the news, with all the fentanyl related deaths, how it is an epidemic, I am reminded o the conversations we had with the coroner after Deborah took her life. There are not many coroners in BC, and already 2 years ago they were so busy, but I can't imagine the stress on them now. The emergency wards on some days bring back the same person twice on the same day from the verge of death. Fentanyl overdose is an epidemic in our province at this time, and also in the States. As I get older, I am finding myself more weepy. I cry over adopted children that are united with their elderly parents, I weep over the homeless, I weep over the addicts, I weep over the foolishness of our governments.
I must realize that I have to relinquish all. Desires are never satisfied, and self care is important. We don't have the outdoor Christmas decorations, in fact no decorations inside our home with the exception of some cards. My priorities are different now. It is to be in the state of spirit that is in continuous communion with my Creator. Sad when we Grieve Him, and joyful when we please Him. Jesus is the reason for the season. We must hold His Words dear in our hearts. It is not an outward display of tinsel, and ornaments. Instead, may it be a state of our heart to seek to know Him more each day. After all, what can we give Him, other than our Hearts.

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