Thursday, December 22, 2016

Vetrans, For Some, the battle continues at Home.

I just saw a documentary that suicide rate in the USA among vetrans is 7 people a day. The help line is not working efficiently. It is very sad indeed. Here is some information on vetrans and depression/suicide in Canada.

Transition: the return of hope to our Veterans and their families.

For some, the battle continues at home.

Every year, more military personnel & Veterans die from suicide than any other cause, including combat.    
Veterans who have difficulties with the transition to civilian life are the most vulnerable: feeling isolated from the world saps the strength they need to combat depression, post-traumatic stress, or substance abuse.  
This period after they leave service has also been shown as the critical point keeping our Vets from winding up on the streets.  

Losing touch with family & community

Our troops tend to be natural protectors, shielding the people they care about from their struggles. Unfortunately this often creates a distance between them that grows over time, leaving our Veterans unable to reach out for the support they need when they need it the most.
There aren’t many places for them to go outside the home either. Men and women who spent their adult lives working in disciplined teams with delicate equipment suddenly find themselves in a job market where military skills are often not recognized.

What Our Programs Provide


Our groups connect Veterans not only to their peers going through the same struggles as them, but with Vets who’ve successfully overcome their difficulties. For many, this is the first time they can talk openly about their problems and be certain their situation can be understood.


Here Vets learn and practice the skills required to communicate effectively in civilian society. This new ability to be understood rebuilds their relationships, removing their isolation and strengthening families and friendships.

Self Maintenance

Post-Traumatic Stress and depression can be debilitating, leaving Vets unable to enjoy or even take part in daily life. Our course not only teaches them how to manage and cope with their symptoms, but makes sure they leave connected to local supports that help them stay healthy.


After a job where priorities were following orders, protecting others and staying alive, it’s common among Vets to feel unfulfilled and aimless in the jobs they land in after leaving the military. We help Vets define what gave their service personal meaning,  and use that to help them plan and start careers they can be proud of.

How We Change Lives

*Stats gathered by the University of British Columbia
hope infographic
64% go from having little hope for their futures to once again having hope in their lives.
depression chart
Of Veterans who came in with severe depression, 53% had little to no depression 3 months after graduating.
career infographic
72% of Veterans leave with new career goals, as well as the confidence and the social supports to reach them.

Leave a lasting impact on their lives.

15 years later, graduates from our first few groups are still volunteering their time today. That’s the power of successful transition and the strength of the connections forged between our Vets and their communities.
The only non-governmental service of our kind in Canada, we make sure that each Veteran in need receives at least 100 hours of services from specialized Psychologists and leaves with concrete plans for rebuilding their lives.

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