Friday, January 29, 2016

Dying a Thousand Deaths

Have you been banned from being a friend on Facebook? I have been banned from being a friend on Facebook. As I sit here at 3:30 am ish, not being able to sleep from my hip pain, I am realizing that these folks image must mean a whole lot to them. In what way can I be a possible threat to their posts? Then I am reminded that Jesus was disowned in his own town of Nazareth.. What a great privilege to be "not  their friend" any more.. I suppose my very vivid and sometimes shocking call to Christ by the posts I share has offended their sweet spirits.. Well, the grim reality is that it is persecution from your own sheepfold that is what Christ talked about in the Word. One on- line friendship dissolved because of the various views on Jesus' return. There are Pre Tribulation, Mid Tribulation and Post Tribulation views. Even-though, it is only separated by three and a half years, some folks don't like you for not sharing the exact same view as yours. Wow..   Imagine, me being a threat to their sanitary way of proclaiming the gospel, or me being the free spirited evangelist that offended them.. If I had hate mail from other faiths I could see, but to be disowned by your own.,, well that is different. Not painful, but perplexing... I thought we were pushing the same cart. Am I representing a different gospel then they are? Are we going to get along in Heaven? Are we going to be friends in Heaven? Is my meditation on the Savior not sanitary enough for their ears? So many questions, but I don't think I will get an answer in this life time.
Many want a gentler way of evangelism, by being silent, role model, until, 'they ask' to be witnessed to.. I personally find this witness cowardly, as Christ certainly spoke the Word boldly, and so did Paul, and countless other disciples. I am also reminded of Catherin Kuhlman.. When I heard one of her interviews, she mentioned that when she went into those hotel rooms, she was the most lonely of all people., after having held services for tens of thousands. She said she died a thousand deaths before she stepped on the stage, and proceeded with the healing services.. Here is one of those interviews.

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