Sunday, April 22, 2018

Why I Could Never Live in a Highrise

I know a man who will be undergoing chemo theraphy this coming week, who lives in a highrise.  I was trying to be helpful to get his apartment organized for the days ahead. He had laundry started on the 16th and 14 th floor. He lives on the 15th floor.
When he asked me to get his laundry switched over, I proceeded with keys in my hand to go to the 16th floor. The elevator with the moving drapery was the only one that was opening, and I got on it. It went nowhere. Then all of a sudden in went down to P3. There was no indication as to where I was heading above the door. I landed in P3. I got out, and thought I would be able to enter the parking lot with the keys on the chain. I was wrong. I ended up walking to the main floor, and some remarkable way, the back door opened and I was out on the ground floor of the high-rise building. Then I walked through bushes, and finally ended up at the front door of the lobby.
I dialed the apartment manager. No answer. I dialed him again; still no answer. There was another phone number, but I had no cell phone with me to call that one. Then finally a Chinese mother and daughter opened the front entrance door to the lobby from the inside. I was trying to explain my situation to them, that the elevator is not working, and I need to get back to the 15th floor. I knew that with my hip surgery a few years back, there was no way I would make it 15 storeys.
So I got in the elevator. This time it was not the one with the moving draperies on it. I must have realized after a long time of going nowhere, that perhaps the fob had a purpose on the key chain, so I pointed it to the little gadget. Wow,Wow, the elevator moved!! I'm sure an elapsed time of over a half hour has transpired before I stepped foot in my friends apartment to announce that I was frustrated, to say the least. The cold air outdoors even prompted my need to go to the bathroom. I was contemplating squatting in the bushes at one time.
I was told that there have been occasions of power outages, and fires where the fobs have not worked. Good grief, really?? What is this a tracking device?? What if your battery wears out and you are stuck on some floor going nowhere??? I feel for all those who live in high rises.. I truly do, but it is not for me. My friend ended up coming to the miniature laundry rooms with me. I think I was of no help at all today.

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