Saturday, November 25, 2017

An Exhausting Few Days

It has been an exhausting few days. I have been in the hospital with Deborah's sister. She just could not keep anything down.  It is flu season, and much dehydration going on with different virus' floating around. I am so grateful that we live in a city where you can access healthcare and most often get out the same day. The important thing is that family keeps close together, and is there for each other. I can only recommend the 'B.R.A.T" died after such a feat. Eat only small meals of bananas, rice, applesauce , or toast to get back into a proper diet afterwards. We couldn't help but watch Deborah's pictures on facebook of which there are many (Deborah Gordon), as we sat in the hospital waiting room with protective masks on our faces.
I was also going to have a dishwasher installed today, but the plumber got too busy, so I have an extra dishwasher sitting in my kitchen. I have no dining room table, since that too fell apart. The craftsman assured me that we would have it back by Christmas, no charge.
Tomorrow is the pot luck/ bless dinner at the funeral home where Deborah is buried. All those who are survivors of suicide can congregate and catch up with one another. I am looking forward to it, even though it is a somber occasion. I remember vividly the viewing of Deborah's body at that place, the choosing of her tombstone, and the choosing of the plot. Imagine, her 3 sisters, and her mom and dad choosing a place to lay her. Even to this day, it all seems unbelievable.
Daily, there are people who are faced with mental health challenges. They hear voices, they develop psychosis, and sometimes slowly or quickly fade away from the person they used to be. The hospitals are full of such patients, even as young as 11. The stories are remarkable, the stories continue. The only comfort is in Jesus.

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