Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why My Blog is a Mix

I must apologize to my readers, that I tend to mix many topics in this blog called 4thentherewas3. There is no reason to cover, everything under the sun, but.... I simply cannot ONLY write about suicide and depression. The topic alone is too painful, and harsh. The reminder of the loss of my daughter is too deep.
I was just talking to a mom, on line from Wales who started a group on Facebook to encourage one another about the Lord's imminent return. She shared that about a year ago , she had lost her house. She is a mother of 3 children, and lives currently on a hostel in the countryside. As tragic as her story is, loosing a home in my thoughts, does not compare to the loss of a beloved daughter, or son.  It is so sorrowful, so sad, so paralyzing. In my head, I recognize that we are to hold all our loved ones loosely, as everything ultimately belongs to the Lord. The heart, however, longs, and grieves that loss for all eternity, until there is breath and life in us. I even selfishly thought that this Resurrection Sunday was going to be different. I was hoping that we would be together, my three daughters, son in law, and husband and I.. Were we together? NO. My daughter went to her mother- in - law's home who apparently made them dinner, and we were all in our own rooms coughing from various stages of having the flu, and pneumonia. My disappointment was great. Not a hello, not a lily, not a church service together. Well, maybe next year, if there is a next year. I don't plan on being here. You can tell from my posts that I do hope that we are out of here by early April. April 3rd is apparently the day that Jesus died. This day, may also be the day He is returning, as it will have been 2 full years since the first blood moon. Soooooooo, that day, there were people resurrected from the dead. and just maybe, it will be a repeat of the same April3/4th. Many of us have been watching and waiting for His return. Sooooooo only those who are not ready for the rapture will remain. My desire, is to have the glorious Wedding in the Heavens. No more tears, no more pain, no more sorrow. So whatever happens in the next few days, just know that love is bigger than faith and hope. I love you all, so very much, and wish you to prosper in everyway.

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