Monday, September 29, 2014


This will be the first blog on this page so I think it's appropriate to start off by saying Hello. My name is Sarah and although you may not see many posts from me specifically, this will be my families blog page.

Yesterday, I came across a blog site called 'RockStar Ronan' and was immediately drawn to it. A lady who I have never spoken to before suffered a tragic loss in her family and decided to make a blog to talk about it. And----although our circumstances are very different; in a way, we both are connected by tragedy and loss.

My family hopes to use this blogging platform to reach out to others out there who are suffering with grief and well----just talk about it. Ultimately, in this world, if no one has the courage to step out of their comfort zones and talk, no change will ever happen. We will continue to see individuals suffering with mental health issues in silence.  We will continue to be told little to no information about disability grants for individuals who own a home and could benefit from home grants. Our children may be misdiagnosed and made to feel for the longest time ever that they were 'crazy.' We must let our voices be heard. We must be our own advocates.

You may know someone who is so sad and desperate for help. Someone you have seen isolate themselves from friends, family or even hobbies they may have had.  My 19 year old sister was that young girl so sad and hopeless. She tragically took her own life in August of this year.

The medical system failed her.

Our judicial system failed my family.

I don't want another person to feel like taking their own life is their only hope. It's not.

My family and I hope our blogs will reach someone out there who may have suffered similar tragedy or may be noticing signs that someone they love is in trouble.

Not One More Loved One..


1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria
    It was great to meet you at the cemetery today. I pray God's blessings on you and yours.
