Monday, October 30, 2017

Fully Vaccinated??? Photo

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What if I also told you that the market for vaccines is expected to be worth $60 billion in 2020, up from $170 million in the early 1980s? Let me say that again. In the 1980s, with no childhood epidemics to speak of, the market for vaccinations was worth $170 million. Fast forward, and the market for vaccines has grown 350-times larger!

In the 1960s, the U.S. vaccine schedule in the United States called for 5 total vaccine doses for childhood, today it’s 72 doses (that’s not a typo)—a fifteen-fold increase in the number of vaccine doses given to children.

Is it possible that the same people (Big Pharma) who brought you Thalidomide, Vioxx, Fen-Phen, the opiod epidemic and so many other disasters don't have your child's best interests in mind, or do they have a benevolence streak when it comes to vaccines?

As the New York Times reported in 2014, “Once a loss leader for manufacturers, because they are often more expensive to produce than conventional drugs, vaccines now can be very profitable… since 1986, they have pushed up the average cost to fully vaccinate a child with private insurance to the age of 18 to $2,192 from $100, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Is the risk-benefit out of whack?

"Some of the vaccines have helped reduce the incidence of childhood communicable diseases, like meningitis and pneumonia. That is great news. But not at the expense of neurologic diseases like autism and ADHD increasing at alarming rates."

- Dr. Daniel Neides, Medical Director, Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute

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