Tuesday, October 25, 2016

b4stage4 Nabufest unveiled by Mental Health


Marlyn --
Earlier today the Canadian Mental Health Association in BC hosted a press conference to unveil the b4stage4 manifesto.

The manifesto is a call to action for all British Columbians to get behind the idea that mental health, addiction, and physical health should be valued equally. It outlines a series of draft recommendations for improving mental health and addictions care in BC.

We would never knowingly wait until stage 4 to intervene for cancer; we educate, screen, and take action in the early stages. CMHA BC firmly believes that we need to do the same for mental illnesses and addictions. b4stage4 is about preventing mental illness and addiction, and for those that are experiencing symptoms, intervening in the early years before people reach a crisis point.

We know that all of you care deeply about our system of care and that is why we are now turning to you to ask for your support. You can show your support by signing the manifesto at www.b4stage4.ca.

Photo: CMHA BC's CEO, Bev Gutray, launches b4stage4 manifesto for better mental health and addictions care in BC

Thank you for making a difference in our system of care.

Miki Talebi
Manager, Public Policy

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