Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It Could be Better, If

It could be better, if we wash our eyes to see, and clean our ears to hear, and take a stand for Truth.
The new age philosophy has taken over most churches today.
Most of our contemporary "men of God" home and abroad are preaching philosophies and emotionalism instead of the gospel of Jesus Christ: they are merely motivational speakers that only care about giving congregations an unforgettable experience which is better than competition, and motivating you to give more Money to the church.
Never a time that so many sinners and evil doers are so comfortable in church.
There is no preaching to convict men of their sin, very little preaching about life after death, heaven and hell, and the rapture of the true church; no pastor wants to "offend" church members with Truth. This is unfortunate.
They don't care about conversion of souls to follow JESUS CHRIST in holiness unto salvation:- they only care about conversion of people to become members of their church to increase weekly revenue. In fact the most important thing to most "men of God" today is not souls, but their heart beat is for Money, Profit, Revenue. Hence they do not offend members with Truth otherwise the crowd shall go elsewhere with their precious tithes and offerings.
Corrupt politicians, fraudsters and swindlers, thieves and robbers, serial liars, fornicators and adulterers, murderers, idol worshipers and worshipers of men, the proud and arrogant, and all who practice diverse abominations and iniquity - are comfortable in church. Very comfortable. In fact, the deacons and appointed ones must be the big givers, if you don't have money you hardly become an elder in church - the level of holiness is now secondary.
As long as you bring your tithes and offerings, you are promised many blessings by G.Os, pastors, prophets, and all the "men of God" of this corrupt generation. They do not care what you do or where the money comes from: the more money you bring the more comfortable they make you - they can not offend their customers.
Now most of us "Christians" are more involved with church activities that do not add any spiritual value, the owners of the church empires actually use you to run their business:
You spend 2 hours in church on Sunday and maybe another 2 hour in church during the week to prepare for the next Sunday, in these 4 hours you do not seek JESUS CHRIST to know HIM and to follow HIM.
Then outside that 4 hours, you spend all the remaining days and time in the week pursuing money, lusts, TV and other vanities and distractions, living like the world with bags of lies, malice, quarrels, murmurs and careless sins at work and at play: no trace of holiness.
Then they use your fears and anxieties and insecurities and wants and greed to exploit you, because you are not grounded in the Word - you do not actually know your Bible - you quote your pastors and books of men more than the Scriptures.
You do not devote any quiet time with The LORD to Study your Bible, to Worship HIM in your secret quiet place, to pray to HIM according to HIS Will; yet it is your DAILY personal and intimate time with GOD that matters to HIM, for HIM to transform you into HIS image and preserve you from sin and corruption, and to lead and direct you.
Many Christians and leaders of the churches do not even know what time it is in The LORD's agenda; even in this end-times they keep their focus in the cares of this world, Self Satisfaction, and prosperity. The focus is no longer on Jesus Christ The Son of GOD.
Yet it is midnight hour and Jesus is coming back very very soon! LORD have mercy on us.
It is going to be Great Tribulation and Everlasting perishing for ALL persons who are NOT DEVOTED TO JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD. You can be very very devoted to your pastor and your church without being devoted to Jesus Christ.
Repent now and grow your Daily intimacy with GOD in holiness!
The hope of many "Christians" is in this world, their kingdom and reason for worship is for things of this world.
But the kingdom you should seek is not of this world...!
The kingdom of this world is passing away...!!
Seek the kingdom of GOD that shall last forever more, let you treasure and hope be Everlasting Life...!!!
Wash your eyes and clear your ears.
Change you focus from Self Satisfaction to JESUS CHRIST and HIS Own heart-beat:- to save souls from everlasting destruction.
Care less about everything you see in this world, all the lusts and enjoyment and possessions and wealth - they shall soon pass away. Rather, care more for life after this place - a life that shall never end. Be more concerned about where you shall be forever whenever Jesus comes, or whenever you die...! because even if Jesus tarries - we shall all die - at our time.
If you truly love your soul, if you really know that this Earth shall pass away:- then you should rededicate your life to JESUS CHRIST and follow HIM for an everlasting Kingdom, life without end.
Pick up your Bibles and learn of HIM, follow Jesus Christ - Yahushua HaMashiac - and be transformed into HIS image in holiness daily.
What is important is:
Intimacy with GOD...!
Intimacy with GOD...!!
Intimacy with GOD...!!!
A covenant personal relationship with The LORD.
Lord JESUS, please Lead people who seek to Follow YOU all over the world to YOUR AGENTS of Truth. Let true seekers find your truth, let them not be lead by blind men. And give them grace to follow YOU.

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