Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Sincere Joyous Father's Day-Catch up with you

For the last two days I have been preparing for Father's Day. There are 3 men in my life, my husband, and 2 son-in-laws who celebrated Father's day for the first time. Yesterday I prepared the potato salad, and bought the pork for Schnitzel. I breaded the meat early this morning and fried it just before they all arrived by 11;30 this morning for lunch. We were 10 of us all together including my two lovely grand-babies. Since the weather indicated rain, we  had the occasion in our little townhouse. I rejoiced because instead of scattering at different tables, they choose to sit on a church bench in the hallway to get a glimpse of each other who had the privilege of finding a seat at the table. I bought my husband and I-Pad, well deserved. I bought the other boys a window hammer which supposedly saves lives if one rolls into the water, and the car starts sinking.
I must apologize for not spending time on my blog lately. I am stretched to the limit with my poor mobility, and lack of time due to helping the children with babysitting. One daughter works shift work and is continuing with her studies, so it is imperative that I assist where I can.
I also bought myself a little used Toyota Corolla 1991, from an old lady in our complex. It has such low mileage, that it is almost a like a new car. This allows both me and my husband to go about our daily tasks without being pressed to share a car. I of course equipped it with a car seat for the baby.

Not to mention that the housing strata, also made request to clean up my back porch. This required me to get closed vertical storage units. So after almost 6 months of living here, we are still organizing things, as our health permits.

Yesterday I took carnations to Deborah's graveside. I can't imagine how hard it must be for a father, to not have their child with them anymore. All we can do is reflect on the wonderful memories, and blow kisses to our loved ones who have crossed to the other side. Be strong and of Good Courage for
Deborah's Dad, with his grand daughter, and son-in-law
the Lord has overcome the World.

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