Friday, September 20, 2019

Update for my readers

Yesterday, I had a giggly panic attack since I learned that before my moving date, I will have to take down my boxes from the upstairs which we occupy to the garage! This means that not only do I have to pack everything up from 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, and a double garage and shed, but also have it all downstairs waiting for a truck. My life has been turned upside down.
Finally, I will have to donate all of Deborah's beloved items/clothing to immigration services or an urban missions center. I don't know how I can do all this with my husband's failing health. This is getting too much. Yesterday, we talked with the banker that we will be paying off our mortgage; learned that we have a small penalty, and that we need to talk with a notary about our shares in the housing society that we are moving to. This afternoon, we will be selecting kitchen cabinets, and getting estimates. We need to get rid of all the old appliances in our new place and have new ones ready to go. I simply don't want the risk of having them fail, and deal with a flood in our new investment. In the midst of all this Deborah's friend will be visiting us from out of town. I really look forward to this! As we reach out to our neighbours and friends who may be shut in's and are dealing with mental health make sure you take care of yourself as well. I miss writing to you, my readers very much, but we will only be settled in my the end of October.

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