Friday, September 13, 2019

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I can't believe that my little grand-daughter is 3 months old. She puts her hands in her mouth and tried to hold things such as a rattle. Her smile is captivating, and her little voice enchanting. I don't want to miss a day of her development.
Image may contain: 2 people
Aside from the joy of this little child, we are dealing with health issues. Deborah's dad has lost so much weight in a short time that we were very worried about his health. Now we found out that it may be thyroid related, not Chron's disease which he had since in his twenties. This is part of the reason that I have not been posting. In the midst of downsizing to a 55 year plus townhome, we are going to the doctors often. The glimmer of hope is that by the end of October we will have settled into our new home and neighbourhood. We are at the mercy of friends and family to help us. You have no idea how much stuff, and furniture I have given away in order to fit into this very small 2 bedroom place. I suppose this is all part of life, and eventually death. We build while we are young, getting more and bigger, and when we turn 55, we try to simplify our lives. The rainy season has come also which makes things less easy. I will be digging up some of the fruit bearing bushes and taking it to our new place. I rejoice that I will have a little plot, maybe 10 by 12 feet for my shrubs and such. I shook hands with some of my neighbours to be, and am so happy that I will be in a quiet neigbourhood without monster homes, and party buses around us. Again, thank you for your patience with me as we are transitioning. I want to be a blessing to those who are hurting, and feel that they have no purpose or hope in memory of Deborah the one I lost.

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