Thursday, August 22, 2019

On the rocks of the beach

I hope all of you are having a great summer. We are in the midst of decluttering our home. Thankfully, some friends from nearby have an empty house and they are so greateful for just about anything. They loaded up two trucks today; a filing cabinet, a truck storage unit, a wooden shelf, a pull out single sofa etc. They made an afternoon of it, as we ate lentil soup together. Both these men are single one by choice and the other by divorce. They are in their fifties. I am glad they have each other as friends. The one man is the brother of my girlfriend who passed 3 years ago, and I just found out a few months ago that she died of cancer, and suffered greatly. He is the lone survivor of a farm he owns. As we look forward to our downsizing, we reflect on the memories we had in this house. I am glad we will have a quieter life, one with less financial stress and noise around us. I hope our remaining lives are filled with travel and lots of grandchildren.
Deborah's grave was filled with flowers on her 5th year anniversary of her passing. My daughter took the newest addition to the graveside to see where her aunt lay. I was filled with tears, as she also took her to the shores of the Fraser, where Deborah's body was found after her tragic jump the night before. My little grand-daughter sitting in her car seat on the rocks of the beach. Can you imagine?

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