Saturday, February 24, 2018

Today, was a winter day here

Today, was a winter day here on the coast of British Columbia. We had over 15 cm of snow overnight. This morning we shovelled, made breakfast, and drove the Japanese Student to Morgan Crossing, a shopping hub in the south of Surrey/White Rock. She had friends who joined her. Later, we went to White Rock Beach. I was surprised to find so few people there considering it is the weekend. The peer was quiet, with only a fraction of the normal crowd. I think the snow kept everybody close to home today. Thankfully, the forecast has changed, and tomorrow we will not have the anticipated snow. I know that even as I write, many people are stranded at airports due to the impossible weather we have been having. I covered my tulips with boxed and ice cream containers. Apparently they will survive if it hasn't flowered yet; so we'll see what happens.
I am feeling tired. Upon arriving home, we had some expected guests sitting on my sofa. I offered them some stuffed peppers, and lentil soup, so they brought their containers. It was lovely to see old acquaintances, of whom Deborah played a major role in their lives. I had no photo's of Deborah up, so not to bring back sorrowful memories of loss. We continue to miss Deborah, her zeal for life, her compassion, her exuberance, her joy. Life is never the same without you, Deborah. We miss you and we will see you soon, for Resurrection day is coming!

By the way, I heard that Mel Gibson is doing a sequel to the movie The Passion of Christ, called The Ressurection with the same actor who played Jesus in the film.. This should be very interesting indeed. Pray for the film to be captivating and life changing for the viewers will you?? Thanks so much.

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