Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Quiet continued explanation

As higher vibrations bath the Earth and her inhabitants, frequencies shift and light reveals the shadows that were once hidden in the darkness. The atrocities are revealed and alchemized through love.

Now we return to our original topic. How do you create a wave of motivation, rooted in pure love, so strong that it will spread across the Earth and illicit change from within each person? How do you unify so many, who have been belittled, defeated, enslaved, deceived and manipulated into hating one another for so long? It’s always been about the children. The children and what has happened to them, God’s most vulnerable and cherished, will unify the world.

How could God “ sacrifice” his children you may ask. Please remember, we are all souls. We “ sign up” for experiences. What greater honor is there than to sign up to be the catalyst of such great change. To come into the density, suffer, yet know that this is merely one vessel, one experience in a vast array of lifetimes. Think in terms of powerful, infinite, Divine souls over one physical vessel experience. As difficult as it may be to comprehend, these souls that came in as children were God’s chosen ones to be the catalyst of revival, the revival of peace on Earth and restoration of love among humanity. It had to be this way, is not just a saying. It is a difficult truth. God is saving us THROUGH US. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. The shift happens through us. Through transmutation of pain and suffering into Divine love for one another. Ascension is an inside journey, but volunteers came to help humanity. Volunteers came, infiltrated, were born into the density to do the work, the healing, remembering who they were and why they came, to find the light within themselves and shine for others to see. You are the build boards for ascension. Proof that it can be done and what it looks like to take your power back, stand in truth with God and not only fight for love, but shed all baggage to reveal the love and light that we all are. Nothing can stop what is coming because it is already here. We are the change we want to see in the world. It is time to anchor into the light and love. Shed all that does not serve us or humanity and take our places as representatives of God. 

Hold the children in your hearts. We fight this fight for them and all children yet to be born. Remembering that many in this fight WERE those children in other lifetimes. Hold them in the highest regards for their courage and service to humanity. For it is through their pain that humanity will find the will to change, to reclaim the light and Sovereignty within themselves and be the change. 

Please also ponder the concept that time is an illusion and so are our “realities”. All happened in the quantum space of NOW. 

We hope this helps in assimilating all the chaos that surrounds you. You are cherished and loved beyond measure. The rewards are ready to flow into your experiences. Rejoice and celebrate. Focus on the end result. 

With loving regards,

Your friends in high places ✨😊🤍

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