Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wolverine Chat


FROM WOLVERINE: I received lots of calls coming through. It has been an honor to serve you. I has been very stressful and difficult, and I knew what I got into it was risky and knew many people would be against me. I never knew all the things would happen to me that did, but it is what happens when your face is in the public eye. God has sent me on this journey. And now, I cry, for I have the official news. This is not all of it word for word, but it is the gist of it: We are pleased to provide you with this update – It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency exchanges and historical assets have already begun after 12 noon yesterday, Tuesday EST, tomorrow. These release funds will become liquid after the 800 is released to you Wednesday of this week (I did say Wednesday guys). The last of this is a banking formality. Everything is done. The wait is over. What has been said so many times by so many that is going to happen has now happened! C’s losses have already begun with the with 27 Asian elderly and rogue families. It has started first with the Elders who are the trigger for all exchanges and redemptions.

Once the closing process begins for Zimbabwe dollar and the Iraqi Dinar, which are part of the first currencies to cross the International Monetary Fund, and which revalues the currencies, all currencies will continue to close until all IMF SDR currencies are revalued. Congratulations you have made it. This is real. It has started. 

I also received a message from the director of the CIC, which is the actual foundation for Mauricio. Right now, he is currently with the President of Colombia, handing out the documents and everything to the president so the funds can be released - I am not sure if it is televised or not, but it is happening right now! I just received a photo shoot!  

I am beyond words right now! I am really, really, emotional. I was going to get Princess Patriot to talk to you, but unfortunately, she has an event. So, she will not be able to male it. But hopefully, she can make it on our next call. 

I am hoping that tomorrow guys, will be The CALL when I release that Opera! But right now, basically, this is a preview of what is happening. So, it has started. 

What we need now is for the Tier4B notifications to start coming through, which will be either today or tomorrow.  

I am sure I will get a call from Mauricio’s Team, and I cannot say much as it is confidential. It is a privilege to have known these people who have changed my life. Especially my wife…. (sorry guys it has been hard, Wolverine is choked with emotion at this point). God bless you all, and hopefully, I pray to God, that that Opera will be released to you. 

God bless all of you, get ready for tomorrow. I am hoping Princess Patriot will be here to speak with you and hopefully another guest also. It will be a virtual Live call for all of you guys, so get ready. Take care, have a beautiful day. Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia). **

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