Friday, May 10, 2024

Art Sold for 43 Million

Onement VI is a painting which sold for a price of $43.84 million. 

I bet you're thinking who in the world would pay 43m for this painting that you can DIY for 30$. 

Allow me to explain how this goes. 

*Millionaire makes $43m in 2024 

*He hires an artist to make "art" for $25k 

*Artist puts one streak on canvas. 

*Millionaire thanks artist, and has art appraised by an appraiser who is in his same circle of friends. 

*Appraiser values artwork at $43m 

*Millionaire donates $43m artwork to museum to get $43m tax written off 

*Millionaire pays no taxes in 2024. 

*Me at museum: This is literally stupid, it's just a line on a canvas. 

*Person next to me: No, you just don't understand it because you're uncultured.. 

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