Wednesday, March 27, 2024

You are a Marvel

You are, whether you like it or not; the most complex creature in known existence. 
The weight of that concept cannot be driven home enough.

You are a marvel of thousands upon thousands of years of DNA splitting and pairing; of collective knowledge grown like a great tree. What you are, to your understanding; has never existed before. The moment you are in, the here and now; matters. Your perspective on that will determine your place in it. Who are you? Who do you see yourself as, and why? Those are fundamentally malleable concepts. They are less defined than you imagine. When you wake up each day, what are you determined to do? With limited time you will be given endless choices. The hardest part will be not being overwhelmed by it all. You don't owe it to anyone to save the world alone; but you do owe it to your existence; marvel of engineering that you are, to be the best you you can be. You are without a doubt the single most complex and brilliant thing in known existence.

Live like it.


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