Friday, January 26, 2024

the Secret of Fasting


When the human body is hungry, it eats itself, it does a cleaning process, it starts by eliminating all the sick cells, cancer cells and aged cells. Hunger keeps the body young and fights diseases like diabetes.

During starvation the body makes special proteins that are created only under certain circumstances. And when they are made, the body selectively gathers these proteins around the diseased, cancerous or dead cells, dissolves and restores them and the body benefits from the nutrients produced by this process. This is how recycling is done during fasting.

Scientists have achieved through long specialized studies that the autophagy process requires unusual conditions that force the organism to carry out this process. These special circumstances include a person abstaining from food and drink for 16 hours (8/16 cycle).

Humans should function normally during this period. This process must be repeated for some time to ensure that the body is cleansed as much as possible and not to reactivate diseased cells. It is recommended to repeat the process of hunger and thirst one or two days a week according to Yoshinori Ohsumi - Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.

"I practice intermittent fasting for 4 p.m. and I highly recommend it! It doesn't cost anything... Have dinner at 10 p.m. and then have lunch the next day at 2 p.m., you just skip breakfast and it's very good for you... I've felt how it cleanses the body. I never get sick and I always feel great. I have practiced full fasts of 10, 20 and 30 days with just water... and I felt great! I recommend trying a full 3 day fast, that's when complete autophagy occurs, and if not... intermittent fasting."

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