Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Farm Claims

Farm Claims / NESARA 👉 Banks and the government illegally seized Midwestern family farms that belonged to the Farmers Union by giving land patents to farms. A land patent provides legal protection against illegal land grabbers. It is illegal to seize any property owned by an allodial title.allodial.

The corporation USA Inc. thought they owned the land when they seized the land from the Federal Republic of the United States. They did not honor property rights.

A land farm with this type of title can only be transferred by the owner voluntarily; which means it cannot be removed by any other means. The properties in question were pledged to banks by the innocent and unknowing owner as security for a loan. They had no choice, to pawn the land or not take a loan. Forfeiture of the property was written into the loan if it was not repaid on time. This was against the law; the banks knew it and the county clerks of county government knew it too.

Clerks recorded the transfer of ownership to the banks without the voluntary signature of the legal owner. This was pure fraud perpetrated and justified by America’s illegal foreclosure of USA, Inc. NESARA aims to reclaim all of this land and pay the illegal lawsuits and legal fees to these people, as well as return lots of Native American lands and not limit them to reservation lands and sick casinos.

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