Monday, October 30, 2023

QFS a ledgering system

"Please remember that the QFS is only a ledgering (tracking) system. It is not a bank account. Your money will be in normal bank accounts and the QFS will be the system that monitors (tracks) the money as it moves between entities and banks."

Tia is correct here. 
Banking as you know it will be different during and after the exchange. 
For too long many have talked about things they honestly don’t know causing much anxiety and confusion in this community. 
You financial safety and security have already been looked after. 
There are good people working tirelessly on your behalf not just here. 
Then you have a subset of people making things up for profit through website hits or clickbait. This in turns create one’s doubt and anxiety within our community. 
Take everything at face value until you see it for yourself. I know many factually will be disappointed in what is and what is not as well as upset because of the advice they listened to about their investment from community gurus posing as experts. 
Learn to get past your exchange  appointment that is already ironed out. Many are told it will be like this and that, well quite honestly I have seen no one even close to right yet. I should know after helping build the largest group in all of this. 
The real work is businesses, humanitarian efforts and wealth management. Keeping records and not co-mingling it all. 
Structuring/hiring working your plan this is where you are going to hung up. 
So many professional here working for free to help keep thousands straight in it all. 
Be blessed you are informed of a pending change in a few currencies.
Be happy your day will come.
Never has there been any can kicking or a glitch or a bad banker messing it all up. 
No this is a very delicate changing of a global monetary means and it all has to work together globally. After decades of entrenchment many want to cling onto a sinking boat trying to bail it out with a teaspoon. 
The financial industry of old is the titanic. Soon too it will be lost to history. 
Try getting over 200 countries to work together and change a financial colossus is no easy undertaking. Hell my own family can’t get together for one thanksgiving without arguing. Now add political, religious and ethnic ideologies in the mix. You can understand why it is taking so long. Some players think they should be the only one’s making the policy yet are the very ones who destroyed the existing system. Once all the chest thumping was completed work began which brings us to where we are today. Closer than ever before to real change for everyone on this planet. Equality for those willing to put in the work as there is no free lunches. Just not how a system can work and sustain itself. There will always be a need for people helping their fellowman. 
Focus on wealth building and humanitarianism. 
The stress of exchanging is fruitless that is already planned and ready. Just be prepared to adjust in that meeting as things will not be what you have been lead to.  
I will not get into those things and go back to trying to argue with whose guru is right or wrong. Just have real expectations not all will be as you were told.

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