Thursday, September 28, 2023

Little known info cont

Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.“

~ Abraham Lincoln

As a child I often heard the story of a young man angrily overturning tables in an all out affront to money lenders, calling them a ‘Den of Robbers.’ He was incensed by the exorbitantly high interest rates being charged that would inevitably lead the people into slavery under a dangerous elite hierarchy of corrupt bankers. 

This man was a Light Being, better known as Christ, who came to free the people. As a youngster unfamiliar with the ways of the world, it seemed strange that these money lenders were so important to him, however, as I matured it became evident the entire monetary system creates slaves and masters, not a world of equality, freedom, or support of the inner direction of the spirit.

 Money lenders went on to accomplish everything prophesied, as a vast divide grew between those who owned the money systems and those who became slaves to the Paymasters.

These Paymasters were historically members of elite bloodline families that often intermarry, organizing themselves as the 1%, the wealthiest people on the planet. This is part of their chosen religion, a religion mostly unknown to humanity and privately practiced. They take it quite seriously.

A Line in the Sand

Colonists in America were fed up with the hierarchy and tyranny of these so called Elite bloodline families, their religious strong hold and their monetary enslavement system, so they drew a line in the sand and declared,

Slaves No More!

“The time is near at hand which must determine 
whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.”

~ George Washington

 September 17, 1787 the Constitution was signed, officially freeing America from the Monarch Paymasters, establishing America as a sovereign Nation under God, with in-alien-able rights, free to create its own monetary system without debt, severing America from the financial enslavement of the elite banking families and their practices. America was now officially, THE LAND OF THE FREE.

This was monumental. This had never been accomplished before.

The Constitution is a very big deal not only for America, but for humanity. Invoking, “Under God,” declared America free from the Monarch’s anti-God religion; Satanism, better known as Communism.

Freedom meant we had the right and ability to grow in consciousness, in personal wealth and happiness, as well as support to openly love and praise our Creator without being slaughtered for doing so.

The Monarch Paymasters were not happy about this, so they instigated a war between the northern and southern states in 1861, expecting Lincoln would need to borrow money from the Elite Bankers to fund this contrived battle at their exorbitant rates of up to 36%, which America would never be able to pay back.

Instead, on February 25th, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Legal Tender Act into law giving Americans interest free money to pay off all debts in full faith, helping America remain free from the financial enslavement of the Monarch Paymasters. 

“…We gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts…”

~ President Abraham Lincoln

The following article appeared in the London Times shortly after the Greenbacks were released:

“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” 

~ The London Times 1862 

These famous GreenBacks eventually became more valuable than gold.

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