Monday, June 14, 2021

Arizona votes not yet announced!! What does this mean?

Hello Friends, Since the vote count has not been announced today, the last day it was supposed to by the media, there is an even greater chance for the Emergency Broadcast System to take place.. initiated by the Military. It is happening very likely on Thursday!! Get gas, food, water, camping stove, propane, generators, gasoline, bandaids, medicine, pet food etc etc for at least 3 weeks. Last chance to get silver??? We will be sitting at home watching the movie put out by Trump explaining what has been happening globally. Many people are reporting extra military helicopters, boats, etc etc in their vicinity. People are waking up to the truth about Covi. Now I will carry a small magnet to make sure the food I buy does not have the spike proteing in it.. ie fresh meat or dry foods. Relax and enjoy the show. The G7 meeting has ended, did you notice during cocktail hour nobody wore masks, Trudy, the Queen, or no one.. All those characters are no longer.. They were actors you saw. You are watching a show. It will take us 6 months to recover from what we see. The good thing is that you will not have to worry about finances ever in your lifetime, nor your children's children will lack any good thing. God is faithful. Hold unto your hats. Peace, Prosperity or Perish is what Romana Didulo said, Canada's Queen, Commander in Chief. Canada 1st Party

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