Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I'm still struggling

I am still struggling with my Vietnamese student in terms of her lack of common sense. She goes to school in a hoody which covers her shorts beneath, so it seems like she is without a skirt/pants beneath. She stirs her 5 teaspoons of sugar in her tea so loudly that my ears hurt. She does not say please of thank you. She is only 14 going on 15. I can only give her daily feedback, and write her a routine only to be forgotten as soon as she leaves for school. I feel like a babysitter. I know her parents pay dearly to have her educated abroad, but the daily discipline, care and attention would have to come from the family where she resides. One fears for her safety, and one wonders what kind of boys will she be attracting with those invisible shorts. I know this is not the dress code at the school, but do the teachers not say anything?? I am so frustrated, that a beautiful girl is heading down the wrong road in a foreign country, who is simply trying to fit in.
I must have also shared earlier that my dryer broke. My 8 yr old appliances have had it, so financially we do need this student to provide for these unexpected costs. I hope my tenant who has just found employment with Trail appliances can help us with some of his discounts. Sometimes, there seems to be no end to costly surprises. Ohh, and did I mention that the plastic panel on my stove melted while I was broiling my turkey bones for the soup after Thanksgiving?? Never buy a stove with any plastic on the digital panel.. Ohhh the mistakes we make.

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