Cannabis inflicts long-term damage on teenage brains: Those who use the drug as teens struggle with reasoning, memory, and inhibitions in later life

  • Teenagers were asked to rate their cannabis use on a zero to five scale, zero meaning 'never' and five being 'every day'
  • They were then tested in four cognitive domains: recall memory, working memory, perceptual reasoning and inhibition
  • Adolescents who used cannabis the most performed the worst on these tests 
  • Pot use in any given year was linked to impaired inhibitory control and working memory one year later
Teenagers who use cannabis are inflicting long-term damage on their brains, a new study has warned.
Researchers tracked nearly 4,000 teenagers over fours years and found clear evidence of marijuana use being linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later in life.
Previous studies have shown that cannabis misuse has been linked to impairments in learning, attention, and decision-making, as well as lower academic performance. 
But the team, led by the University of Montreal in Canada, says its findings are the first to show the causal and lasting effects of teen pot use on cognitive development. 
Researchers say marijuana use in teenagers was linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later on life (file image)
Researchers say marijuana use in teenagers was linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later on life (file image)
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