Monday, November 3, 2014

Ravi Zacharias book Why Suffering?

New book tackles age old question, “Why would a loving and powerful God allow so much pain and suffering?”
Christian apologist Dr. Ravi Zacharias has written a new book, Why Suffering? Finding Meaning and Comfort When Life Doesn’t Make Sense, co-authored with Vince Vitale of RZIM’s Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Why Suffering is published by FaithWords and will be released on October 21, 2014.
WHY SUFFERING? will appeal to a large cross-section of readers as Zacharias and Vitale uniquely combine both an apologetic approach as well as a pastoral perspective. It is written for the Christian struggling for an answer, the seeker who thinks suffering disproves God’s existence, and the sufferer who needs a glimpse of a loving God.
Why Suffering? by Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale
Why Suffering? by Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale will be released October 21, 2014.
In WHY SUFFERING? Zacharias and Vitale carefully walk readers through a variety of responses that considered together provide a clear, comprehensive, and convincing answer. Responses such as:
  • Where there is the possibility of love, there has to be the reality of freedom, and therefore the possibility of pain.
  • Wishing God had made a different world is to wish yourself out of existence.
  • The reality of evil only makes sense in light of the reality of divine goodness.
  • Relational knowledge about God takes the argument beyond reason alone to the presence of God amidst suffering.
  • God’s decision to allow temporal suffering must be viewed from an eternal perspective.
  • Divine goodness shows how to conquer not in spite of, but even through suffering.
“In comparison with other world religions, the Christian response to pain and hardship is highly distinctive,” said Zacharias. “The cross is the key to a compelling and rational explanation for trusting in God in the face of suffering.”
This book is written with great respect for the complexity of the issue, recognizing that some who read it will be in the trenches of deep suffering themselves and others questioning the very existence of a loving God. WHY SUFFERING? provides an answer to the problem of pain and suffering with emotional sensitivity and intellectual integrity.
Click here for additional information about Why Suffering and to order the book.

Dr. Ravi Zacharias is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with additional offices in Canada, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Hong Kong, Romania, Turkey, Austria, Spain, and South Africa. For over forty years, Zacharias has spoken all over the world and in numerous universities including Harvard, Princeton, and Oxford University, as well as in government settings within and beyond the United States. Dr. Zacharias and his wife, Margie, have three grown children. He is the author of many books, including Can Man Live Without God and Why Jesus?
Dr. Vince Vitale, born in New York City and raised in a family one generation removed from Mafia heritage, went to study philosophy at Princeton University and there took an unexpected journey that led him to God. In his PhD, Vince went on to develop a new response to the problem of evil. He now teaches at Oxford University, is Senior Tutor at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and is a speaker for RZIM.

I, Maria, enjoy hearing Ravi, on radio (KARI 550) and watch him on youtube. He can hold a debate and answer tough questions. Though I have not read this new book yet, I am sure that I will, and gladly endorse it. Finding sound answers when dealing with difficult situations I believe is imperative. 

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