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Saturday, March 15, 2025
Sparkling Deborah
Sparkling Deborah by Lanny Townsend
Sparkling Deborah Deborah of the sparkling eyes, deep dimples, and dazzling smile,
What were you thinking, dear girl, when you went through your last trial?
You left us clues, as you searched the Bible to soothe your cares;
Highlighted verses are windows to your thoughts, witnesses to your prayers.
We are comforted that, though you stumbled and fell,
You looked to Jesus to save you from sin and Hell.
He forgave you; we know that it is true;
He came into your heart, with its walls that were painted blue.
Such a sad, sad heart, such a troubled mind,
Triggered by a drug that promised good times you’d find.
You yearned to be accepted and to have fun with your friends,
And became deceived, like many, by youthful trends.
Jesus spared your life, after drugs sent you in a spin.
And gave you time to repent of each besetting sin.
You reached for His hand, and He led you through His Word;
Twice you read His Book, and much in it you heard.
What a comfort to us now, to see the words you underlined.
And know that your name in the Book of Life is signed;
Written there by the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord;
We know His grace and mercy, upon you He has poured.
You were just starting to walk the path of the wise,
And were too unlearned to discern the deceiver’s lies.
You thought that waters of baptism would your confusion all unwind,
And instantly produce a miracle of healing for your mind.
Significant and powerful, baptism is indeed,
But it is through faith that we get what we need.
It is not through feelings, nor experiences, nor the reasoning of our brain,
But through constant trust in God’s Word, the victory we gain.
God understands what drove you to the decision you would make,
And allowed the enemy of your soul, your precious life to take.
But He did not let him keep it, when you plunged into the water;
He caught you in His arms, His beloved, redeemed daughter.
Now you live in Heaven, where all your fears are washed away;
And you are free to love and laugh and play.
Though our heart sorrows for the loss of our dear girl,
We know you are now safe within the gates of pearl.
We cherish memories, of how you loved cookie dough ice cream,
And how you could sing and play music like a dream.
Your favourite colours were blue and pink, and you liked the dollar mart;
Pink roses and red roses, and perfume charmed your heart.
You had a photographic memory, and a photogenic face;
Your athletic ability and energy set a lively pace.
Swimming was a favourite sport, and chess a favourite game;
Which your Grandpa taught you because you were such a clever dame.
But kindness was part of you, and generosity, as well.
And humour, too, for silly jokes you liked to hear and tell.
Family and friends were high priorities on your list;
Oh, dear girl, how sorely you will be missed!
But when the tears start to run, we will wipe them with a smile,
As we remember the blessing you were, when we had you for a while.
We will think of you when we hear Hillsong’s tunes,
And when spring returns each year with its pretty blooms.
We will recall how you organized our closets and our drawers,
And how you loved dogs and kittens and willingly did your chores.
Brindle pup and Moonshine kitty will join you in Heaven someday;
Look after them for us, Deborah, until we come Home to stay.
Let our family circle be unbroken in that celestial realm;
We know our ship will make it, as long as we keep Jesus at the helm.
We don’t fully understand God’s ways or know all His plans,
But everything will work out, as we remain in His strong hands.
We will look into our Saviour’s eyes, and all our pain will be no more,
As it is now for you, gazing upon Him whom you adore.
Revel in His embrace, as you to dance among the stars above;
We release you to His tender care and never-ending love.
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