Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Military base RV exchange

So, I've been asked info concerning your exchange redemptions on a military base since I worked with the USAF/ government on a base for 31.5 years before retiring. 
1. If this is the case, I'm not sure how they will handle allowing people (civilians) to go up on a military base to do a redemption/exchange unless you're escorted from the gate to the building by military members. Then to the building they are doing Redemption/ Exchanges in.
2. Normal Protocol is... You would go to a building just outside of the guard gate and take your driver's license, govt id, car registration, and proof of insurance papers inside to get a temporary tag to be able to drive on the base. Even if the car is a rental, you have to have the proper paperwork to gain access to the base with your ID and insurance info. Then, a temp tag/letter is issued. This tag is displayed on your dashboard/windshield and will also be shown to the guards at the gate to allow you entrance onto the base. Anything expired will prevent you from being allowed entrance. 
3. Do not have anything prohibited in your vehicle, such as firearms, ammunition, or illegal substances, as any vehicle is subject to random searching at any time. You could be arrested for having prohibited items . This search/delay could hold you up if you are that lucky person chosen.
4. Arrive early to your base appointment - maybe just drive around once on base before actually pulling up to the building where you'll have your appointment scheduled. We've been told to be there no earlier than 10 minutes before your designated time. Don't be late, or you could go to the end of the list. 
5. I dont know how you would be able to take an Uber/taxi/Lift etc onto the base (if you don't drive) as I've never had to deal with that. You may want to ask this question when you make your appointment. 
6. Anyone you bring with you will also need an ID as most bases are 100% ID check at the gate.
Hope this info helps anyone just in case you are subject to these scenarios. Failure to follow their rules will result in you being denied access entrance on any base. 
7. It was mentioned in a chat- something about getting a number that you may need to take with you, possibly when you get your email. This number could possibly be used to identify you at the guard gates, so be sure to write down or print out anything that you are given.

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