Under GESARA law, the new financial system is already operational and hosted on a protected quantum server, ensuring security and smooth transition. Once GESARA is announced, the IMF will introduce the "global gold-standard monetary system." All remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-standard currency, and paper money will be phased out in favor of digital currencies.
The goal of this transition is to be simple, smooth, and swift. The wealth proliferation effect will stabilize society, enabling people with newfound wealth to support relatives, friends, and fellow citizens. This will lead to more humanitarian efforts and overall wealth-building.
However, the RV (Revaluation) might lead to a shortage of qualified workers, resulting in higher wages and salaries, which will be balanced by a reduction in taxes by up to 80% of the final product cost. This will lead to deflation, lowering prices, increasing savings for workers, and building wealth.
Energy costs are also expected to drop due to free energy and new technologies. This will have a significant impact on production costs, further contributing to wealth-building. The future will be unbelievable and complete, with our lives evolving immensely.
Suppressed technologies, some dating back 70 years or more, are now being released, including those that can "turn deserts green" using the purified waters of Antarctica, restore minerals to plants and living things, and introduce "Replicators" that can produce anything. Personal credit cards and real healthcare that regenerates limbs, organs, and even reduces age by 30 years will soon be available.
Money and banks, tools of the cabal's debt-based control, will eventually disappear, although coinage will remain. GESARA will also eliminate national debts, and taxes will be reduced to a flat sales tax of about 15% on new items, benefiting both individuals and corporations.
As the cabal's pyramid structure of global elites, governments, and corporations collapses, so will class separation and material attachment. Spiritual evolution will flourish as people no longer focus on material wealth, but on creativity and self-reflection. With free energy, transportation, and replicators accessible to all, humanity will achieve true equality, leaving behind concerns about basic survival, rent, or transportation.
The greatest short-term effect of the RV will be a surge in consumer demand over time, particularly for corporations that produce essential goods, leading to significant business growth and wealth-building for years to come. This is the final wake-up call.
Advanced civilizations don't need to worry about their next meal, rent, or transportation - these are marks of true progress.
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