Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Kerrie Ann Thorton

18 MAR 2025 
(19 MAR 2025)


Hey guys, how are you? Okay, so from the intel that I'm receiving, and it is only intel at this stage, for me, people have got confirmation. I know one person in particular is getting confirmation, left, right and centre, that this has started and over the course of the next 24 to 36 hours everything starts. They are getting confirmation of that from the very, very top. 

So I just want to take this chance, while I can now, to say thank you, to say thank you to everybody who has supported me over the years and gone through, you know, the highs, the lows and everything in between. It has not been easy. It's been INCREDIBLY difficult.
It's been the most difficult part of my life. And one that I'm extremely grateful for, although I hope to never repeat, but extremely grateful for. And we've all, we've learned a lot from each other, both the good and the bad, but it's all positive at the end of the day.

You know, all the constant, “It's coming, it's coming, it's coming!” has been an absolute roller coaster and a mind, you know, the rest of that word, a real mind F, an emotional F up. But here we are. We've made it, we've pulled through. 

And I also want to just say thank you to those who didn't make it. Your contribution to this community and your overall vibrational frequency and what you've given, you know, to the humanitarian RV/Truth community is SO VALUABLE that your legacy will live on. And we, the ones who do remain, will never forget you and for what you have done and what you have contributed over the years and all of that to make this world a place. Your dreams, your hopes, everything you could ever have imagined is about to come true. And we know that you're in spirit and you are, you're walking this journey with us. And I'm extremely grateful and thankful for, for those who did make it as well as those who didn't. 

Um, now when those notifications do come out, I will be posting them in my information group, both on Telegram and Facebook. All my other groups will be muted. Okay? They'll be muted. So it'll be READ ONLY, only for 24 hours. 
And then those groups will be deleted PERMANENTLY. Okay.M? As for my courses and my classes, they will be canceled immediately. And whatever outstanding, uh, whatever money has been paid that has not been used will be fully refunded. Um, so I think I really want to thank you all for, for your generosity, your support, your love, your compassion, um, your friendship and everything else, uh, that, that we've shared together over the last four years. And for some of you for the last 15 years, that's been on me, been with me on this journey of self-discovery and, and, uh, a mediumship development and spirituality and consciousness. 

Um, I know that you're all going to, to really enjoy what's coming and just remember that everything you do from this moment forward needs to be done with love. Not so much with, “I want to help”… , but helping from your heart, not just because you see somebody that needs help, but because you wish the best for them. And it really, really pulls at your heart and makes you so happy to help that person.

For those of you who won't be doing projects or not involved in projects, I know that you too are going to have all your dreams fulfilled and you too can contribute and are contributing to the GREATEST, the greatest transition on planet Earth that has ever happened in the history of this planet and possibly ever will happen. And you're all absolutely amazing. You really are in everything that you do. 
You're absolutely incredible. So just keep on soldiering on and keep on being incredible because I know you can do it. Have trust and faith in yourself, love from your heart, and really have self-confidence because you have everything you need. You've come into this lifetime with all the skills and the knowledge and the wisdom that you need to make it very, very successful in this life.

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