Two hours ago I received an intel saying that Reno is about to start after 12 o’clock, but it could be any hour after that, as this is what came through. There is a lot of movement right now in Reno, as I have been told. I was also told (the big one coming through right now) and this is from many sources, that Colombia has officially started. This came through from a lot of sources that are coming through in Colombia saying, “Yes, Wolvie, Colombia has officially started. People are already receiving their blessing” Colombia has started. It is a process. As soon as it is their turn they will give me a sign that it has been released. So it is all good news that is coming out right now.
Also letting you know that the Medbeds are ready. I have spoken to some lawyers, and these are huge Sovereign Whales who have said the Medbeds are ready. As soon as they are ready I will get that call and I will be taking my family so we can all get healed.
I have also received news coming through from the Admiral, and they said it is looking phenomenally good, there is a lot of movement, and hopefully there will be the official announcement soon. We need those notifications coming through so we can all celebrate.
As soon as I receive that call about the notifications, that opera will come through so we can all celebrate as one.
I wanted to do this on YouTube so all of you can celebrate, because in doing this on the Chosen Ones, there are only 34,000 people, and there are more people on the RV on YouTube. I would like to have a unified announcement where all the Gurus can join and celebrate as one.
This has been hard on me and my family, But God is watching all this. I never surrendered this as I knew it was a labor of love for Humanity. Maybe, God chose me to lead you, as well as Mike and Jen and MarkZ and All the Gurus…I believe they were all chosen to transmit this information to each of you.
This has been one of the most difficult jobs I have ever done, as it has been a roller coaster ride. We only found out at the beginning of this year that all the Intel given to us was misinformation, Bruce, and the other gurus also, and we did not know that. But you must look at it this way, if it was not for the Gurus, most people would have given up and thrown away their currencies.
Now, at this time, the intel coming through is all real. I have spoken with many people in the know, many with contacts with the Admiral. That is it from me at the moment. Sorry for the noise here, we have been celebrating since morning when we got the call, and my wife and I were emotional, and started crying, because of the amount of weight that was on us, in wanting this so much.
The get together will be in January. I will take about 3 to 4 months off, off the grid. When I come back I will start organizing our get-together. We are expecting over 10,000 people from various countries. Sydney has many hotels, and you will need to locate accommodations for the event, but there is plenty of room.
God Bless you. Thank you for the support and love and prayers. I love you guys will all my heart. The gold back currency started yesterday, hopefully, with the grace of God we will be celebrating today. The bonds have started and they are getting paid in Colombia. Not sure about Brazil yet. All the tables and platforms are closing now, Yelow dragons are sdtill available , but those tables may be closing now. Get your currencies now before it is too late.
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