Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Watch is Now Today!! Pentecost

We are on “The Watch”!, Steinman warns

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Jesus comes to get His Bride
I recently interviewed Stephen Steinman, the “Prophetic Anthropologist” (see AllSoulsRADIO on right.) Steinman wishes to correct people who have dated his revelation of keys in the scriptures, related to the rapture.  One YouTuber stated, “the rapture is on 19th of April, Tuesday!”; yet, this is not what he said in our recent interview.
More importantly , we are commanded to keep watch, to be ready each day as the end of the age of grace closes, for our “taking up.” Steinman as a Watchman is compelled to declare; so I hereby assist him.
Steinman writes the following (not a tittle is changed):
We have a window of time for the “RAPTURE”.   The 10th day of Nisan.  On the Gregorian calendar, that day is the 18th of April.  However, Israel is about a day ahead of us.  So, “the thief in the night” watch begins tomorrow, the 17th.   I would begin my watch NOW!!!!
The 21st is when Elijah comes.  The attack on Israel begins on the 22nd.  This brings Jesus back along with Michael and the heavenly army.
Jesus died “PASSOVER”, the 14th day of Nisan / April 22nd, at 3 p.m.   Therefore the Antichrist must also die at  3 p.m.!!!   Jesus rose from the dead three nights and three days later, on the Feast of First Fruits.  Therefore, Antichrist must rise from the dead on the same day.  This day is “Resurrection Day”.  This day Jesus calls forth the dead in Christ, and they along with the living who have remained behind after the rapture seven days earlier,  they too are changed, in a moment and in a twinkling of an eye.
  • Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the 10th day of Nisan, TRIUMPHAL ENTRY (RAPTURE)
  • Jesus had his last supper with his disciples on the evening before the day, the 14th of Nisan (ELIJAH COMES)
  • Jesus was crucified on the 14th day of Nisan (PASSOVER
  • Jesus was placed in the tomb hurriedly that evening, by sunset, the 15th of Nisan (UNLEAVENED BREAD)
  • Jesus rose from the dead between the days, at the close of the 17th of Nisan (SABBATH) and the beginning of the 18th (FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK).
Israel is about a day ahead of us in time.  So, it is Saturday, 10 a.m. here on the west coast, but in Israel the time is 8 p.m. Sunday.  This is why we must always be looking at least a day ahead of the calendar.    All these events are to be repeated.  This time however, it will be the “Bride” who has her triumphal entry into the New Jerusalem on the 17th/18th (RAPTURE).  Jesus’ Spirit descended into the belly of the earth at the moment of his death.  Therefore, Jesus will descend in a cloud on the 21st/22nd of April (EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM).  Antichrist is slain at the brightness of his coming (HIS BRUISE TO THE HEAD, THE DEADLY WOUND).  Therefore we know the date and time of his “Great and Glorious Appearing”, to be 3 p.m., on April 21st/22nd.  The dead in Christ rise, as well as the Antichrist, on the 24th/25th/26th of April (RESURRECTION DAY).    Hope this clears up the confusion.
Consider the mirror image of Christ’s FIRST coming, in reverse order.  The menorah lighted in reverse order, from right to left, the Hebrew way.
7) The Feast of Tabernacles –  Did Jesus take upon himself a human form?  Yes!  At conception, yet fully developed by the time of birth, 280 days later.  Jesus was conceived on the 16th day of Kislev.  280 days later, he was given a live birth on Rosh HaShanah, a TWO DAY event, called ONE LONG DAY.  Therefore he arrived late on that day, on the second day of the ONE LONG DAY.   Question:  Did Jesus tabernacle with us or not?  YES!  Fulfilled!!!!
6) Eight days later brings us to the close of the Tishri 9 and the start of the 10th day of Tishri, Yom Kippur / Atonement Day.  On this day Jesus became an official Jew by means of circumcision.  He was dedicated and presented to the Father on this day.  So working back words in order of the candles.  Did Jesus fulfill the Feast of Yom Kippur on the 9th/10th day?  YES!  Fulfilled
5)  280 days after conception, was he born?  YES!  So, has the Feast of Trumpets been fulfilled?  YES?
4) Was Jesus baptized on the 6th of Sivan, Shavuot?  YES!!!  Fulfilled
3) On the Feast of First Fruits Jesus rose from the dead.  YES?  Fulfilled
2) On the Feast of Unleavened Bread, was Jesus place in the tomb?  YES!!!   Fulfilled
1) On Passover was Jesus nailed to the cross a 9 a.m.?  YES!  Did the lights go out at high noon 12 p.m.?  Yes!  Did Jesus give up his life at 3 p.m.?  YES!!!!  Fulfilled.
All these events WERE fulfilled.  We are not waiting for the final three feasts to be fulfilled.  They ARE fulfilled!!!
We are now entering into the replay from the First to the Last, as we see the Aleph and the Tav fulfilled in the order that Gentiles understand, from left to right, not right to left.
All these events are beginning again, starting with the Triumphal Entry.
1). Triumphal Entry (RAPTURE)
2). Passover Seder (WITNESSES ARRIVE)
3). Jesus “Great and Glorious Appearing” (DEATH OF THE SON OF PERDITION)
4). Feast of Unleavened Bread (The dead body lies in state for 3 nights and 3 days, unburied)
5). Feast of First Fruits (RESURRECTION DAY) of the dead in Christ, as well as Antichrist
6). Ascension of the “Church” to meet the Lord in the air
7). 1260 day count begins
8). 1260 day count ends on October 8th/9th, 2019 on the Mount of Olives
9). Counting 1290 days from the “Rapture” brings us to the end of line for the Antichrist and False Prophet
10).  Antichrist and his forces are defeated at the battle of Armageddon and taken captive.  They are then thrown alive into the lake of fire, on the 31st day of October 2019, Halloween.
11).  Day 1335 is the first day of Hanukkah.  At the close of the day, between the days, Jesus rides into Jerusalem of the day, at the start of the new day, the 26th of Kislev.  The self same day General Allenby rode into Jerusalem, on the 29th day of November, 1917 (Julian Calendar).
12).  Millennial reign of Christ begins on January 1, 2020.

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