Saturday, May 28, 2016

White Elephant Relationships

Today is a day of reflection. A lady asked me why I am not making comments on some of the facebook groups that I belong to. I told her that we are likely monitored, and I'm thinking of getting off of it all together. I feel delusioned for the following reasons after observing some folks.. and surely, if you heard the series of my earlier posts on the "Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis you too will get a deep insight into the schemes of the enemy.
As you probably recall, I mentioned that several of my friends are in relationships where the man rules, and they only get the crumbs in the relationships.  They feel obligated to follow everything their husbands ask them to do, when he wants it done. They feel, that this is their test in life, and trial that they must overcome. They can't call their friends or even visit their mom when they want to. Other's are in persuit of their happiness, perhaps a relationship after failed relationships. They compromise for a 'friendship' only status, when they really need a wife or a husband.  They feel that by doing spiritual things like fast and pray, they can obtain their battle over the flesh, which I don't believe God necessarily requires of them.. Maybe those very urges are a way for God to tell them to get on with their lives. After all, He did say to marry, if their flesh is 'burning" with passion. Others, feel inadequate to persue a relationship because they have an illness, and don't want to burden anyone with the grief of living with these aches and pains. Some choose to stay single after a divorce because they think this is what God Requires of them, eventhough their spouse may have left them or ended up in an institution permanently. Some stay single because they still grieve the loss of their parents and fear that their inheritance would be stolen from them if they married, so they continue living in a boarding house, where there are some living beings to see, in order to avoid the isolation of a separate suite.The stories are endless, and ofcourse, we as outsiders have the non biased solution for them, if they would only listen..
I know for a fact that in some cults, divorcees are instructed to stay single for the rest of their lives.. They are called 'the two by two's ) In other cases we find single people so engrossed in their charm, and beauty to land a "man" or "woman" for that matter that their only excursions besides the bar scene is the beauty salon, and the gym, and the pedicurist. They scrub, and moisturize, and massage, and start all over again. They tend to be the queen of fashion as well. I for sure should never have gotten married after my 2 yrs of marriage according to some belief's. However, I knew that the bible said that if the non believer leaves, you are no longer bound for Christ has called us to peace.. I love 2 Corinthians because it has an answer to everybody's situation.. So after being abandoned into our second year of marriage, I was alone for 5 and then got married and had 4 children.. I married a man with an illness, and many people would have had no children  because of that.. However, the Lord tells us to be fruitful and multiply and by faith, we had a family.. The most important thing is that one settles with a person of the same faith.. There are many who think they are Christians, and portray themselves a such, but are infant terribly lost.. Just to bring one example to light. A single mom who I know is likely in a halfway house now, as her husband could not accept her authority in a marriage that should be a co partnership relationship. He was always moma's boy, a single child, and his views on marriage are totally different. Instead of embracing the strength of her accomplished very intelligent wife, he likely demeans her in ways that an intelligent man would not. Another woman is literally following a 'witch' on social media, but she doesn't realize it.. and thereby leading her boyfriend down a path to destruction.. So.. Keep looking for that White Elephant everyone. They do exist, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that if the Lord tarries, I will remain single..

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